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14 Maret 2024 11:45

Don't use oatmeal, this is a trick to fade large pores, just use 2 natural ingredients

Large pores cause a number of skin problems such as acne and dullness. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - Everyone has different types of facial pores. However, people with oily skin types tend to have larger pores than people with other skin types. Pores have sebaceous glands under the surface of the skin that produce sebum to maintain moisture.

The amount of oil production varies from person to person. Excessive sebum production triggers various problems with oily skin, such as the appearance of enlarged and open pores. This can make it easier for dirt to stick and enter the skin , which ultimately causes blockages.

As a result, acne, blackheads, irritation and so on can form. To overcome these skin problems, you can use various natural ingredients that are often found in everyday life. One of them is by using honey mixed with lime as shared by @betha.beauty_health on TikTok which was reported by briliobeauty.net on Thursday (14/3).

What are the benefits and contents of honey in dealing with large pores?

Honey is a natural sweetener that is often used by people. Honey has a variety of ingredients that are beneficial for the skin, although there has been no research that shows directly that honey specifically can treat large pores. However, some of the benefits of honey can be used for the skin which may help in the treatment of large pores.

photo: TikTok/@betha.beauty_health

According to Healthline, honey has anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce inflammation of the skin. Large pores often result from inflammation or irritation, so honey's ability to reduce inflammation can help reduce the appearance of pores. Not only that, honey is also known as a good natural moisturizing agent so using honey can help moisturize the skin so that it becomes healthier and more elastic.

In addition, the antimicrobial content in honey can help cleanse the skin of bacteria and dirt that can clog pores. By effectively cleaning pores, honey can help reduce the risk of enlarged pores.

Limes are a rich source of antioxidants that protect the skin from UV rays.

Lime is a type of citrus fruit which has the scientific name Citrus aurantiifolia. This fruit has a sour and fresh taste, and is often used as an additional ingredient in cooking, drinks, or as a natural ingredient in skin care.

In skin care, limes are rich in citric acid, which has natural astringent properties. These astringent properties can help narrow skin pores by stimulating tissue contraction. It doesn't stop there, the citric acid content in lime can also help remove dead skin cells that can clog pores. Regular skin exfoliation can help keep pores cleaner and reduce the appearance of large pores.

photo: TikTok/@betha.beauty_health

The Vitamin C content in lime is good for antioxidants. These antioxidants can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and UV rays, which can worsen the appearance of large pores. Apart from that, lime can be used as a natural antibacterial which helps clean germs that cause inflammation on the skin.

Even though it has a multitude of benefits, using lime directly on the skin is not permitted because it contains high Ph so it can cause allergic reactions in some people. When used as a facial treatment, lime should be added with other natural ingredients such as honey. To use these two ingredients, you can follow the steps below.

photo: TikTok/@betha.beauty_health


- 1/2 lime

- 1 tablespoon natural honey

- Small container

photo: TikTok/@betha.beauty_health

How to create and use:

1. Cut one lime into two parts. Then put the lime juice in a small container.

2. After that, put 1 tablespoon of natural honey into the container containing the orange juice.

3. Stir until the ingredients are evenly mixed.

4. Apply the mixture to your face using a brush.

5. Leave it for a few moments or until it dries. Then when your face feels clean. Do it regularly and the results will be visible.

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