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3 Februari 2024 15:00

Different people say that this little girl's make-up transformation with a dull face is beautiful, it feels like she is a beautiful fence

The magic of makeup can make you look 180 degrees different from your original face Ardho Aflyandri
Different people say that this little girl's make-up transformation with a dull face is beautiful, it feels like she is a beautiful fence foto: TikTok/@elyzhamakeup

Brilio.net - Dullness is a problem that often occurs on many people's skin. This term actually describes a skin condition that does not look bright due to losing its natural shine. The factors that most influence the emergence of this problem are environmental factors, such as exposure to sunlight and pollution which can cause the skin to experience hyperpigmentation and give the face a dirty impression.

You may often see dull skin conditions on the faces of adults. However, this does not mean that children will be protected from this problem. Moreover, when the child often plays under the hot sun and scattered dust, it is clear that the skin on his body and face will become dull.

Well, this dull face itself can clearly be covered by using makeup. Even though it is identically worn by teenage women to adults, that doesn't mean children can't use makeup too, you know. Moreover, with the increasing number of makeup products that are safe for children, using them is no longer something that is difficult.

Apart from that, it seems that children's makeup styles can be no less than adults, especially if they are assisted by a talented MUA. This was reported by brilio.net on Friday (2/2) in a TikTok video uploaded by @elyzhammakeup, the before-after appearance of this little girl succeeded in making many people amazed.

photo: TikTok/@elyzhamakeup

In the 28 second video, the boy's bare face is visible before makeup is applied. You can see that his face looks dark and is covered in simple clothes. Her lips also look a little pale, adding to the dull impression of her skin.

photo: TikTok/@elyzhamakeup

What was then seen after the transition was actually surprising. From the outside, the simple clothes had changed into an all black outfit that looked glamorous. Apart from that, the little girl's head area is also equipped with gold accessories which give a luxurious impression.

Not only that, her face also changed drastically after the makeup was applied. Her base complexion looks natural with smooth contour lines around her nose, making it sharper.

Her eye area was also covered in brownish nude eyeshadow and silver glitter along with neat matching colored eyebrows. Her lips were polished in such a way using an ombre style with a peachy-red nuance and a glossy finish.

This impressive makeup result no doubt invited many thumbs up from netizens. Many of them praised how beautiful this little girl was and how clever the MUA's hands were in making up her clients well.

" Masha Allah dear, clever... really beautiful, " praised @bibi21629

" Pen can do makeup like that too, " said @cunong583

" Very beautiful, " wrote @tteh.sitoy

"How come you can make mekap manglingi, " commented @queennaii_

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