The '146-year-old' from Central Java has gone viral.

  30 Agustus 2016 09:13 - A man from Sragen, Central Java, suddenly wentviral after he was identifiedas the oldest personin the world.

According to census records, Sodimejo or Mbah Gotho was born on December 31, 1870.

That means he is 146 years old 23 years older than the record holder for the oldest person ever, Jeanne Calment from France, who was born in 1875 and died in 1977 at the age of 122.

The story of Mbah Gotho quickly caught the attention of foreign media, as did hisonly wish to die.

Mbah Gotho  2016

Mbah Gotho  2016

The story of the man fromSragengrabbedheadlines from Poland to Nigeria, Japan and India.

Mbah Gotho  2016

Mbah Gotho  2016

However, the claim has to be verified. Until then, his name won't be aworld record.

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