Even though it is no longer occupied, Ria Ricis has no intention of selling the house full of memories.

  8 Mei 2024 07:25

Brilio.net - Every celebrity must have a hidden story when they were not as famous as they are now. They must have an environment where they spent their childhood which may now be rarely visited. Likewise with Ria Ricis.

Known as the country's top YouTuber, who would have thought that he spent his childhood not in Jakarta. Before becoming successful, Ria Ricis spent her childhood in Batam. There he lived in a classic house which was simple but quite spacious.

Even though it is no longer occupied, the Ricis family chose not to sell it. The reason is, the house has many memories for the YouTuber.

On his YouTube channel, Ricis once invited viewers on a tour to see the design and contents of his old house. One room that is quite the highlight is the kitchen. This cooking area is quite messy. Not to mention the walls look unkempt because they are full of mold .

What does it look like? The following is a portrait as summarized by brilio.net from the Ricis Official YouTube channel, Tuesday (7/5).

1. This is what the kitchen looks like in Ria Ricis' childhood home, which is far from luxurious.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

2. Almost the same as the other areas, this cooking area is all white.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

3. It looks messy and all the kitchen equipment is simple, nothing is modern.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

4. Since there are no drawers or storage space, all items are stored on the kitchen table.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

5. "This is Ricis's kitchen, we often made cakes here every Eid," said the mother of one child.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

6. It is no longer occupied by him, this kitchen looks unkempt.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

7. Just look at the part of the wall where there is a lot of fungus growing.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

8. It's so unkempt that the kitchen has a beehive in it.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

9. Meanwhile, in the refrigerator section, there are lots of food items wrapped in plastic.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

10. Even though the kitchen looks dirty, all the furniture still functions well.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

11. Moana's mother said that the house was deliberately not renovated because it was a memory for her family.

Ria Ricis's kitchen walls full of mold  YouTube

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.