foto: TikTok/@mamakyuli4

This woman is so happy that she thinks that her in-laws are an excuse to be lazy in the kitchen, considering that they bring side dishes.

  6 Oktober 2024 07:00 - The story of in-laws and daughters-in-law often steals attention. Often not being able to get along, is a problem often encountered by in-laws and daughters-in-law. That's why when there is a story of in-laws and daughters-in-law getting along, it reaps public attention.

As with the story shared by the daughter-in-law with the TikTok account @mamakyuli4. Until Sunday (6/10), this upload went viral on TikTok, having been watched more than 1.3 million times with comments from more than 9,600 accounts.

In the post, the woman tells how her mother-in-law is always kind and caring, one of which is by often bringing side dishes to her house. This simple incident shows a harmonious relationship between a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, which is often considered difficult to build.

In the upload, the in-laws can be seen stopping by the house of their daughter-in-law named Yuli. Yuli's mother and father-in-law were seen carrying a number of bags and boxes that turned out to contain cooking ingredients and food, such as light snacks. In addition, there were also cooked foods such as rendang that had been packed one by one.

" POV: In-laws diligently visit their in-laws' house ," was the caption in the video upload, as summarized by from TikTok @mamakyuli4, Sunday (6/10).

Mother-in-law diligently comes and brings side dishes  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mamakyuli4

Not only side dishes and snacks, the mother-in-law also packed rice in a fairly large container.

" Sometimes I feel sad that I don't have a mother, but I remember my good mother-in-law, God willing, " added Yuli.

When visiting, the in-laws seemed enthusiastic to meet their daughter-in-law and grandchildren. This was clearly seen from their smiling faces.

" As usual, I'm always excited to show off the things I brought. The in-laws came to make me lazy in the kitchen ," added Yuli.

Mother-in-law diligently comes and brings side dishes  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mamakyuli4

After getting a variety of foods, Yuli immediately arranged them on the dining table. The cooked side dishes brought were not only rendang, but also fish and squid.

" The food was sponsored by grandma and grandpa ," Yuli continued.

In her story, the woman expressed how lucky she felt to have a mother-in-law who was not only caring, but also able to stand on her own two feet in her old age. The mother-in-law was described as someone who was still productive and had her own income in her old age, so she did not depend on her children for her financial needs.

" This is my mother's dream. To remain productive in her old age, without burdening her children and in-laws. To be able to come to the house whenever she likes. The children and in-laws bring them souvenirs. FYI: my grandmother is 73 years old, my father is 77 years old, still productive and have their own income ," explained Yuli.

Mother-in-law diligently comes and brings side dishes  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@mamakyuli4

Netizens also flooded the post with positive comments. Many praised the mother-in-law's attitude, who not only cared about her daughter-in-law, but was also able to become an independent person.

" The important thing is that when we are old, we can truly live a stable life, so that we don't need to ask our children and in-laws, but we are the ones who can always give....Aamiin ," added the account @lisdakhadafi.

" Guys, even though we may not be as lucky as Kaka to have good in-laws, let's try to be good in-laws for our future daughters-in-law ," added the account

" But the face of a good person can be seen from his father ," added the account @Umynh.
