foto: Instagram/@temontemplar27

If Abdel lives in a modern minimalist house, on the other hand, Temon chooses to live in a simple but still comfortable house.

  28 Februari 2024 04:26 - About 16 years ago, the comedy soap opera (sitcom) entitled Abdel & Temon: Bukan Superstar became a show that entertained many people's days in broad daylight. This sitcom is played by a comedy duo, namely Abdel Achrian and Temon Templar.

These two comedians have been friends for approximately 30 years. Having been friends for a long time, it's no wonder the two have strong chemistry on stage. "We've known each other since 1992," answered Temon, quoted from YouTube TS Media.

Even though they both have careers in entertainment and are united in building chemistry, when it comes to housing they both have different fates. If Abdel lives in a multi-storey house with a modern minimalist interior, on the other hand, Temon chooses to live in a simple but still comfortable house .

So that you don't get curious, below, has collected from various sources 9 portraits of the Temon Templar house which is in the alley, Wednesday (28/2).

1. Abdel's house is in the middle of a densely populated residential area and close to a badminton court.

temon house  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Udin Blekok

2. To get here, people have to enter the alley and go through it before they can find Temon's house.

temon house  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Abdel Achrian

3. The alley near Temon's house is quite narrow and can only be entered by two-wheeled vehicles.

temon house  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Abdel Achrian

4. So, here is the appearance of the Temon house from the front. At that time, Temon revealed that his house was being renovated.

temon house  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Abdel Achrian

5. Abdel was then invited by the house owner to the side yard of his house. There are used chairs and shady trees.

temon house  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Abdel Achrian

6. This is what the road to the entrance to Temon's house looks like. This area is also often used as a place to receive groups of guests.

temon house  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Udin Blekok

7. Even though it is simple, the 57 year old comedian's house is quite large and extends to the back.

temon house  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Udin Blekok

8. Temon is sitting while enjoying a drink in his hand.

temon house  Various sources

photo: YouTube/Udin Blekok

9. Well, that's Temon's simple house which is very different from Abdel's. Even so, Abdel likes to come to Temon's house.

temon house  Various sources

photo: Instagram/@temontemplar27
