- Since being edited by Dito Ganinduto, who now serves as Regent of Kendal, Central Java, Chacha Frederica has begun to reduce her activities in the world of entertainment. Nevertheless, he is still actively sharing his daily life via his Instagram account.
It is known that Chacha has a quite unique hobby, namely looking after animals, including animals that live on land and in water. So, Chacha had so many pets, he decided to turn his official residence in Kendal into a mini zoo.
It can be seen that the official residence is now lined with several stables for his pet horses. Interestingly, Chacha's horse stable, which has an area equivalent to a boarding house, is equipped with quite luxurious facilities, you know.
Curious, right? Below, see the summary by from Instagram @chafrederica on Saturday (1/6), a portrait of Chacha Frederica's horse stable .
1. Chacha Frederica and her husband, Dito Ganinduto, converted their official residence in Kendal into a mini zoo which is open to the public.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/@chafrederica
2. Chacha has quite a lot of horses. It appears that there is more than 1 horse stable in the official residence.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/chafrederica
3. Having special attention to the horses he keeps, Chacha also makes the stables quite spacious.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/chafrederica
4. If you look closely, the dimensions of this horse stable are even equivalent to the size of a boarding house.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/chafrederica
5. Not only is there room to care for horses, his stable also has facilities that can be said to be quite luxurious compared to other horse stables.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/chafrederica
6. In Chacha's horse stable there is a blower facility with a window that is left open. So, Chacha's horse won't get hot.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/chafrederica
7. Chacha also uses the size of the official residence as a place for his horses to play.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/chafrederica
8. The hallway of the official residence was converted into a feeding area for the horses. Looks like carrots are lined up there.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/chafrederica
9. Chacha's husband's official residence, which is now a 'mini zoo', has become a recreation area for local residents in the afternoon.
Chacha Frederica turns it into a mini zoo
2024 Instagram/chafrederica