It was the right decision for this man to return home

  22 Agustus 2024 04:25 - Currently, higher education graduates in Indonesia often face difficulties in becoming jobs. The high number of graduates is not comparable to the number of jobs in the field. As a result, job seekers must be closely linked to other candidates. Not to mention if the city where they live provides limited job opportunities.

That's what a man named Akbar felt. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University (UGM). However, in YouTube Pecah Telur, he tells the story of the difficulty of finding work.

Akbar said that during Covid-19 he was still studying for his master's degree in Yogyakarta. However, at that time, Akbar remembered his parents who were no longer young in the village. It is known that Akbar came from Tulungagung, East Java.

This UGM Masters graduate said it was not difficult to get a job  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Pecah Telur

Based on these considerations, he decided to return to his village after completing his education. Whereas previously, Akbar admitted that he had a dream to work abroad or in big cities.

" At that time, I felt like I had a sense of fear. From there, my idealism of wanting to work abroad, wanting to work in a big city, started to emerge. My idealism at that time started to fade ," he said as quoted by from YouTube Pecah Telur on Wednesday (21/8).

This UGM Masters graduate said it was not difficult to get a job  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Pecah Telur

Not without reason, Akbar knows his parents are no longer young. He is worried about what if his father needs help at any time while he is away from home.

Departing from that condition, he decided to return to Tulungagung. For Akbar, even if he was successful in a big city or abroad, it would mean nothing if he was unable to provide devotion to his parents.

" I finally forced myself to go home. Because I saw how worried my parents were that I would be far from them. If my parents needed me, who would help them ?" said Akbar.

" So I thought it was useless when I could be successful in a big city. But when my parents needed me, I wasn't by their side ," he continued.

This UGM Masters graduate said it was not difficult to get a job  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Pecah Telur

Akbar is well aware that his educational specifications will make it difficult for him to find work in Tulungagung. Because he feels that Tulungagung does not have many companies that provide formal jobs.

" Oh, what kind of work can you do with a Master's degree in Tulungagung? Because that's how it is. Tulungagung is a Master's degree, what are the job opportunities? Finally, I returned to Tulungagung after I graduated, I also had difficulty getting a job ," he said.

That's when he immediately felt the difficulty of finding a job. Because he was a graduate of a Master's degree in law, Akbar might be able to become a lawyer. But unfortunately, his degree was too high, because to work as a lawyer, a Bachelor's degree should be enough.

" There are no companies with a Master's degree in Tulungagung. Maybe there are no big companies here, sir. Then maybe you can become a lawyer, but why do you need a Master's degree to be a lawyer? A Bachelor's degree is enough ," said Akbar.

This UGM Masters graduate said it was not difficult to get a job  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Pecah Telur

However, he did not give up. His goal to go home was to accompany and help his parents. Sure enough, Akbar immediately found his way. Together with his father who was a retired civil servant teacher, Akbar opened a gurami and patin fish farming business .

Currently, he and his father already have three ponds. One pond can produce 1.5 tons of gourami fish in one harvest every three months. While Patin can produce 6.5 tons which is harvested once every 6 months.

" 1 pond is around 1.5 tons, if 3 ponds means around 4.5 tons, that's gourami. If it's patin, the harvest is around 6 months. That means if we take 3 months, there are 20 thousand, so if divided by 2, it means around 10 thousand. If it's patin, it usually reaches around 6.5 tons ," he said.

Akbar and his father did not explain specifically about the benefits of the ponds. However, he admitted that having 3 ponds alone made him very happy. In addition to having a job, he can also accompany his parents.

This UGM Masters graduate said it was not difficult to get a job  YouTube

photo: YouTube/@Pecah Telur

" I feel that if I have these three (pools), I feel that I will definitely be happy. Because if we are always jealous of what other people have, we will definitely chase after something that is ephemeral. Just to seek validation and so on, I feel that we will never be happy if we only live with envy ," he said.

According to Akbar, he could have made his fish his harvest once a month. However, it would require a bit of work. The reason is that not long after taking care of the pond, Akbar was accepted as a lecturer at one of the state universities in Tulungagung. Because of that, it was difficult for him to divide his time,

" I wanted the seeds to be able to harvest once a month. It was like that at first. But because I had made seeds for two or three periods, I was accepted for the job ," he explained.
