Headline: pwmjateng.com & sdmsalatiga.sch.id

It turns out that this study tour program using Garuda Indonesia aircraft has been around since 2022.

  10 Mei 2024 17:20

Brilio.net - Recently netizens have been shocked by the activities of elementary school children renting planes. No half-heartedly, the plane rented was an expensive plane, namely the Garuda Indonesia airline.

After further investigation, the elementary school that rented the Garuda Indonesia plane came from Salatiga district, SD Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga.

It is known that the purpose of the elementary school study tour is to Jakarta. It seems that this activity from SD Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga is not just a one-off event. The study tour activities organized by the elementary school have been running for a long time.

Not the first time from various sources

photo: sndsalatiga.sch.id

Reporting from pwmjateng.com, in 2022 SD Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga will also hold a study tour to Jakarta by plane. Not just tens, but hundreds of students went to this activity.

This activity begins with departure via Ahmad Yani International Airport. Arriving in Jakarta, they continued their activities by visiting important buildings in Jakarta such as the DPR RI Office, the DPR/MPR Museum, the Ancol tourist entertainment area, and the Istiqlal Mosque.

Not the first time from various sources

photo: sndsalatiga.sch.id

In fact, this elementary school started a study tour in 2011. The study tour route is as follows.

1. Grade 1 Goes to Palagan and Railway Museum.

2. Grade 2 Goes to TNI AL Base and Semarang Grand Mosque.

3. Grade 3 Goes to Sangiran and Taman Indra locations.

4. Grade 4 Goes to Taman Pintar and Fort Van Den Burg.

5. Grade 5 Goes to DPR MPR RI and Dufan.
