foto: Twitter/@Husen_Jafar

There are areas that limit shop opening hours to minimize social friction and crime.

  29 April 2024 18:45 - Recently, news circulated that Madurese stalls in several areas in Indonesia were prohibited from operating for 24 hours. This news suddenly became a hot topic of conversation in society, with many questioning the truth and reasons behind it.

After confirmation, it turned out that the ban was misinformation. The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises confirmed that Madura stalls can operate 24 hours . Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs, Arif Rahman Hakim, only asked that the stall comply with operational hours according to regional regulations. And each province has different rules.

The 24-hour operation of the Madura stall went viral when there were calls for rejection in Bali. Moreover, this is linked to competition with the retail industry. Reportedly, many minimarkets feel they are losing out on competition, so they are asking the government to regulate the operating hours of Madura stalls.

Facts related to Madura stalls from various sources

photo: Instagram/@warung.madura.official

However, it turns out that in Bali there has been an appeal to limit the opening hours of stalls. The local government assesses that having stalls operating late into the night has the potential to create social friction and even be prone to criminal acts.

The problem with this Madurese stall is that there are still many people who don't know the facts . Are you curious about information regarding this stall which was initiated by one of the tribes in Indonesia? Here, tries to show you things related to Madura stalls that you need to know. Everything was collected from various sources on Monday (29/4).

1. History of Madurese stalls.

The Madurese are famous for their tendency to migrate and open businesses outside their territory. Many types of businesses and jobs are carried out to support families in the village. The purpose of his migration was varied, including to Jakarta.

One of the businesses that Madurese people do when they migrate is opening a grocery store. There he sells basic necessities and other daily necessities. This stall first appeared around the 1990s to early 2000s.

2. The name of the Madurese stall.

In fact, this Madurese business could be called a grocery store. However, the name of the tribe stuck because it was originally initiated by migrants from Sumenep. His shop became big and successful and the news spread in his hometown.

Interested in trying similar luck, many Madurese people also opened stalls. So, the spread is massive, especially in Jakarta. People call it a Madurese stall.

3. Open 24 hours, open half a day during the apocalypse.

Facts related to Madura stalls from various sources

photo: Instagram/@warung.madura.official

In fact, this joking expression often circulates in everyday life, including for non-Madurese. Indeed, this shop is synonymous with its never-ending operating hours. It's not surprising that jokes emerge that even when the end of the world comes, they are determined to be open for half a day. Apart from showing hardworking determination, the stall owner also has his own reasons.

Many unexpected events occur at night. It could be that someone needs something to buy that night. For that reason, Warung Madura took advantage of this opportunity.

4. Complete like a minimarket.

It's natural for retail companies to be afraid of losing competition. Because the goods sold at Madura stalls are very complete, like grocery stores and minimarkets in general. Moreover, Madura stalls also provide fuel which gives motorists an option when they run out of petrol but the gas station is still far away.

5. Most stall keepers are husband and wife.

In almost every place, shopkeepers are mostly married couples, which makes them different from other grocery store employees. They divide their work time in an organized way. Generally, the wife will be on duty from morning to evening, while her husband will take his turn from afternoon to early morning.

6. The price is more affordable

The prices of daily necessities at Warung Madura are famous for their excellence in terms of more affordable prices. Especially when compared with similar items sold in minimarkets or modern retail stores.

Facts related to Madura stalls from various sources

photo: Instagram/@warung.madura.official

7. Be in solidarity with fellow stall owners

Not only making their own business successful, stall owners also show solidarity as fellow entrepreneurs. They have their own associations in every city. The aim is of course to support each other and also resolve problems between fellow Madurese grocery traders overseas.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.