- The month of Ramadan is a month full of worship for Muslims. Apart from being obliged to fast, Muslims are also encouraged to perform other forms of worship such as i'tikaf at the mosque, tarawih prayers, evening prayers, until sahur.
This is because it is believed that for every act of worship performed in the month of Ramadan, the reward will be doubled by Allah SWT. No wonder, you can easily find various mosques or prayer rooms so busy with people every day throughout the month of Ramadan.
In fact, what often happens is that the mosque is so full, the congregation spills onto the street and even takes up space around the mosque. So, what happens if a place that should not be a place of worship is instead converted into a place for worshipers to pray tarawih?
That's what was recorded in a recent viral video. Shared by the TikTok account @azharrbn, the post received attention from netizens. The reason is, in the video you can see Tarawih prayer worshipers who have just finished praying at a minimarket.
photo: TikTok/@azharrbn
Yes, that's right, a place that was supposed to be a facility for shopping for daily necessities, suddenly became a place of prayer for dozens of congregants. They were seen spreading prayer mats between the shelves of goods. Dressed all in white, the congregation looked quite solemn in performing the tarawih prayers .
"Alfamart Assembly," wrote the caption in the video.
photo: TikTok/@azharrbn
This certainly makes netizens curious and want to know the reason why this moment happened. As a result, netizens flooded the comments column with a series of questions. Finding curious netizens, the account owners answered them one by one.
"How is that possible, what's the story?" asked a netizen via the account @amyamalia745.
The account owner also answered that the moment was at the congregational tarawih prayers and routine recitation of a taklim assembly in the Bogor area.
"Because the outside (mosque) is full, this is a routine activity every year on the 21st night of Ramadhan in Empang, Bogor," answered the account owner.
photo: TikTok/@azharrbn
The account owner also explained that this event is always held every year on the night of 21 Ramadan at the Keramat Mosque, Empang, Bogor. During this event, tarawih prayers and collective dhikr are usually held. Every year, pilgrims from Bogor and surrounding cities flock to worship.
"This is a routine event of dhikr and tarawih on the night of the 21st of Ramadhan in Kramat Empang Bogor. Every year it is always busy. Because the streets are full, finally Alfa is finished," wrote the account owner explaining.
photo: TikTok/@azharrbn
However, the unique moment from this video is that the minimarket continues to function as usual. This was proven by one of the congregants who was seen making a transaction at the cashier to buy something.
Even so, this moment seemed unusual to netizens on social media. Some still have questions, others are helping to explain. There were also those who wrote hilarious reactions in the comments column.
photo: TikTok/@azharrbn
"Going out must be checked one by one. Poor Alfa employees replace goods with their salaries," wrote @joyboysamaa0.
"One billion percent of Alfa goods will not be lost, bro. Our people intend to worship," said the account owner trying to explain @feninamalvina.
"After all, there is CCTV, bro," said the account @power_rangers045.
"Occasionally I play here in Bogor, uncle, and sometimes I also take part in tarawih at the Empang Grand Mosque," said the account owner @henis301.
"Every time one silverqueen prostrates, it goes into the sarong hahaha," joked the account @ibkarmubarak.
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