Designed without a partition from the living room, this kitchen, which is also often used as a gathering center for family and friends, looks simple.

  4 Maret 2024 04:00 - Soraya Rasyid is one of the celebrities who appears on the small screen. Making her debut as Imas in the soap opera Preman Pensiun, Soraya started her career from scratch. Not like now, life used to be just barely. In fact, the salary earned from modeling and being a supporting actor is spent on the cost of returning to Bandung.

Now, his name has become widely known since hosting the House Surgery and Surprised Money programs. This success led Soraya to realize her dream of owning a three-story luxury residence .

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Aiman Ricky

Of the various rooms available, what also steals attention is the appearance of the kitchen. Designed without a partition from the living room, this area, which is often used as a gathering center for family and friends, looks simple. Unlike other celebrity kitchens which are wide and glamorous, Soraya's pantry is simple with a mini kitchen set.

Come on, take a look at the summary from Aiman Ricky's YouTube channel on Sunday (3/3), a portrait of Soraya Rasyid's kitchen.

1. When you enter Soraya's house, go straight to the small living room which is still in the same area as the kitchen and dining room.

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

2. This is what Soraya Rasyid's kitchen looks like, very minimalist, right? The kitchen is just in line and connects directly to the living room area.

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

3. With a black kitchen set and white striped backsplash, Soraya's mini kitchen is equipped with a dishwasher and two-door refrigerator.

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

4. Instead of using an island table, Soraya prefers a mini kitchen set to save space.

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

5. Even though it is small, this kitchen is quite functional because it is often used for cooking and is equipped with a smoke extractor.

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

6. To make it look more spacious and loose, the walls of the room were replaced with glass.

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

7. Still in the same area, you can see a dining table with long chairs.

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

8. In this place Soraya spends a lot of time with family and close friends .

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube

9. Even though it is not very spacious, it is quite comfortable with good lighting from the garden view glass window.

Soraya Rasyid's kitchen portrait  YouTube
