Now, thanks to her hard work, Inul can now pocket IDR 100 million to IDR 300 million for one gig.

  28 Februari 2024 17:21 - As a senior dancer, Inul Daratista has succeeded in proving his existence for decades in the world of entertainment. Even though many young singers are starting to arrive, their popularity doesn't seem to be fading. However, Inul's struggle to become a top artist is certainly not easy.

He started his career as a traveling dancer and was only paid IDR 23 thousand. Now, thanks to her hard work, Inul can now pocket IDR 100 million to IDR 300 million for one gig. This large enough payment made Inul successful in realizing her dream of owning a luxury residence.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

This magnificent residence in Pondok Indah also looks spacious with complete facilities. One of the facilities at Inul's house is a fairly large indoor swimming pool with a whirlpool that can make the water in the pool wave, like you are swimming in the open ocean.

Come on, take a look at's summary from various sources on Wednesday (28/3), a portrait of Inul's indoor swimming pool .

1. Between the living room and dining room in Inul's house there is only an aquascape (seawater fish aquarium). It looks like the dining room can accommodate many people.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

2. The Inul swimming pool is opposite the dining room. As a barrier, there is a glass door leading to the swimming pool.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

3. You can see that the indoor swimming pool area is quite large. Equipped with floats and a gym ball in one corner of the room.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

4. The Inul swimming pool is also equipped with a whirlpool which makes the water wavy.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Inul Daratista Official

5. The swimming pool at Inul Daratista's house is half indoor, half outdoor so that sunlight can enter the room.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

6. The walls of the Inul swimming pool are decorated with turquoise (a color combination of green and slightly bluish), so the atmosphere is more unified.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

7. As a celebrity, singer and successful entrepreneur, Inul Daratista is required to keep her body fit and fit, so she also equipped her residence with a mini gym.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Inul Daratista Official

8. The mini gym is right next to the swimming pool. You can see that there are several sports equipment there, such as stationary bikes and treadmills.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Inul Daratista Official

9. Meanwhile, across the pool, there is a mini bar filled with shelves of alcoholic drinks. According to Adam Suseno, Inul's husband, the bottle was only for display because no one consumed alcohol in his house.

portrait of luxury indoor swimming pool inul  YouTube

photo: YouTube/The Hermansyah A6

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.