He would approach around six people in a day who seem in need for new look with the same sentence, “I want to do something nice for you today.”

  10 Februari 2016 16:00

Brilio.net/en - For most of his clients, Mark Bustos (30) is a tattooed young hair stylist they can meet six days a week in an upscale salon in New York City. But on his day off, he does the trimming on the streets of New York City. He would be seen giving some haircuts to homeless. He would approach around six people in a day who seem in need for new look with the same sentence, I want to do something nice for you today.

Bustos would do this habit every Sunday, the act of kindness he had been doing since May 2012. At the time he had been a hair stylist and visited his family members in Philippines. During his visit he paid a barbershop owner for renting their chair and provide services for impoverished children who needed a new look.

A photo posted by Mark Bustos (@markbustos) on

Ever since, he continued doing it in his hometown because the feeling was so rewarding. I decided to bring the positive energy back to NYC, he admitted to the Huffington Post in an email. He added that NYC is not the only place that he gives free haircuts but also in Jamaica, Costa Rica and Los Angeles.

Of all the haircuts Bustos had given, one name marked in his mind. Jemar Banks was a homeless who got Bustos treatment with haircut and food, and after he was done, the first thing he asked to Bustos was, Do you know anyone that's hiring?"

A photo posted by Mark Bustos (@markbustos) on

Accompanied by his girlfriend, Bustos always offer the haircut and asks the recipient the food they would want to eat. One homeless amazed and responded with, Nobody ever asks me what I actually want. I usually just get leftovers and scraps.

Jim from Long Beach, California, was just released from prison before he met Bustos and had his hair cut. Bustos captured him in his Instagram and put the caption, Every human life is worth the same. We all deserve a second chance."

A photo posted by Mark Bustos (@markbustos) on

The haircuts are always done in public where many people pass by like street corners and sidewalks. Bustos said he does this not for people to see him but to see the good deed he is performing, to inspire people to do kindness to others, too. Even a simple smile can go a long way," Bustos noted.

A photo posted by Mark Bustos (@markbustos) on

A photo posted by Mark Bustos (@markbustos) on


