Every month, various phenomena occur due to the movement of celestial bodies.

  27 September 2024 16:30 - Astronomical phenomena are natural events that occur in outer space and can be seen from Earth. Every month, these phenomena appear due to the movement of celestial bodies that have different orbits and speeds.

In October 2024, several interesting events will occur , making it worth watching for astronomy enthusiasts and nature lovers. Based on information from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and trusted sources from the Space page, October 2024 will be filled with a number of interesting astronomical phenomena.

One of them is the annular solar eclipse, which is the main highlight in October. However, not only that, there are still several other interesting events waiting to be observed. With the presence of these various astronomical phenomena, sky observers can prepare themselves to observe special moments that will occur.

From solar eclipses to meteor showers, here is a complete schedule of astronomical phenomena that you can witness during October 2024, reported from various sources, Friday (27/9).

Astronomical phenomena in October 2024.

Astronomical phenomena in October 2024  2024


1. Annular solar eclipse.

An annular solar eclipse will occur on October 2, 2024. This phenomenon occurs when the moon is between the Earth and the sun, but does not completely cover the sunlight. As a result, it looks like a ring of light around the moon.

For areas in the path of the eclipse, observers will see this effect directly. This phenomenon usually requires special eye protection, such as eclipse glasses, to be safe while observing it. The path of the ring will pass through several areas in the United States, making it an interesting opportunity for local residents.

2. Draconid meteor shower.

The Draconid meteor shower will peak on the night of October 8-9, 2024. This meteor shower comes from dust left behind by the comet Giacobini-Zinner. This meteor shower is usually not very active, but in certain years, the number of meteors seen can reach hundreds per hour.

The best observation can be done in a dark place, away from city lights. Observers will be able to see these meteors with the naked eye, so it is highly recommended to find a comfortable location and have a clear view of the sky.

3. Orionid meteor shower.

The Orionid meteor shower phenomenon will occur on its peak night on October 21-22, 2024. These meteors come from the remains of the famous Halley's comet dust. This meteor shower is expected to produce around 20 meteors per hour at its peak.

Like other meteor showers, it is best to observe this phenomenon in a dark area, especially after midnight when the constellation Orion begins to appear in the eastern sky. The Orionid meteor shower is known for its fast and bright meteors, making it one of the most exciting phenomena to look forward to.

4. Planetary conjunction.

The conjunction phenomenon between the planets Venus and Jupiter will occur on October 24, 2024. In this event, the two planets will appear very close to each other in the sky. This conjunction is a good moment to observe because both planets are very bright.

Because Venus and Jupiter are the two brightest objects at night, they are easy to spot. For those of you who want to see this phenomenon, it is recommended to look west after sunset to see this beautiful meeting.

5. Full moon.

The full moon will occur on October 28, 2024. During this phenomenon, the moon will appear full and very bright. The full moon is often a good time for sky observing, especially to see the details of the lunar surface using a telescope.

In addition, the full moon is also often a special time for sky watchers to enjoy the beauty of the night sky.

6. Hunter moon.

The Supermoon Hunter's Moon will appear on Thursday, October 17, 2024, at around 7:26 p.m. local time worldwide. This Supermoon phenomenon is considered special because it is the closest Supermoon to Earth throughout 2024.

The hunter's moon or supermoon phenomenon means that the Moon will appear larger and even brighter than the other two Supermoons that occurred this year.
