Brilio.net - A nursing home is an institution or facility specifically designed for elderly people. In this place, they will be provided with care, nurturing and various accommodations. Even though this place is specifically for elderly people, unfortunately there are many children who leave their parents in this nursing home.
Many elderly people feel sad and emotionally hurt when they are placed in a nursing home . This makes them think that they are a burden on the family. That's why many parents in nursing homes feel lonely, sad and hope their children come to visit regularly.
This feeling is also felt by a father who has entered middle age. He was looking forward to his son's visit at the orphanage. However, behind this father's waiting, there is a sad story shared by a TikToker. The following is the story brilio.net reported from TikTok @husni.yantii.
photo: TikTok/@husni.yantii
In the video, a man in a red shirt and wearing a cap can be seen sitting listlessly on the floor. His eyes couldn't help but cry. Apparently after tracing it, he was waiting for a visit from his son.
Unfortunately, the person we were waiting for never came. This incident occurred at a nursing home in Batusangkar, West Sumatra.
It is not known what the child was busy with so that he did not have time to visit his father for a moment. Especially approaching Eid like this, being together with family is what we look forward to the most. There was nothing the father could do but cry.
"Makes me cry, this father in a nursing home is crying and wants his child to come to visit," wrote the account @husni.yantii in the caption.
photo: TikTok/@husni.yantii
One of the nurses at the home came to comfort him. He said calming sentences so that his father would stop crying. The nurse said that perhaps the child had not come because he was still busy earning money for his father.
"Here, there are lots of friends to tell each other stories and worship together," said the nurse.
This video also went viral and attracted the attention of netizens. There have been many pros and cons comments. Whether they agree to send their parents to a nursing home or they don't agree at all.
photo: TikTok/@husni.yantii
"As poor as I am, I won't be able to put my parents in a nursing home. Oh, poor God," said the account @_itsmeTanTAN.
"I feel like my mother's words (kids looking for your money) make me feel like sometimes it's not like kids don't love their parents," wrote the account @univeronika.
"Don't let my parents be like this... as long as I'm still alive, I'll never leave my parents in a nursing home," said the account @asniaj.
"The child's goal may be to leave his father here so he can have activities, so he can have friends to socialize with. So he can just be an easy child to earn money. He's not afraid or hesitant to leave his parents at home," commented the account @lizhaaurora.
From the video being posted until this article was written, the @husnii.yantii account has gathered 296,600 viewers. Apart from that, there were also 12,300 accounts that gave likes and 1,469 comments.
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