Pencak silat is a traditional Indonesian martial art that is rich in defense and attack techniques.

  21 September 2024 04:20 - Pencak silat is a traditional Indonesian martial art that is rich in defense and attack techniques. One important aspect in pencak silat is blocking, which is used to block or avoid an opponent's attack. In this article, we will explain the various types of blocking in pencak silat that are effective in protecting yourself while providing space to launch a counterattack. This blocking technique is a basic element that must be mastered by every pencak silat practitioner.

1. Upper block

One of the most basic types of block in pencak silat is the upper block. This block is used to protect the head from attacks coming from above, such as punches or kicks aimed at the head. In an upper block, the arm is raised parallel to the head, with the palm facing up or out, blocking the incoming attack.

Upper block provides maximum protection against vertical attacks and prepares the athlete to counterattack. This technique is usually used when the opponent launches a punch or kick to the upper body. A good and stable position when performing this block is very important to maintain body balance.

2. Lower block

The next technique in the various types of pencak silat blocks is the lower block. This block functions to block attacks aimed at the lower body, such as kicks to the legs or waist. To perform a lower block, the arm is directed downward with a firm movement, so that it can withstand attacks from a lower direction.

The underhand block is very effective in avoiding quick attacks launched by the opponent, especially low kicks. After blocking, the silat athlete often uses this position to make a quick counterattack, taking advantage of the gap opened by the opponent.

3. External block

In various types of blocking, the external block is one of the techniques used to block attacks from the outside side of the body, such as punches or kicks aimed at the shoulder or stomach. This movement is done by swinging the arm from the inside to the outside, so that the opponent's attack can be diverted from the target body.

The outer block is also known as the cross block, because this movement is often done with the hand opposite to the side of the body being attacked. This technique not only blocks the attack, but also uses the opponent's momentum to open up opportunities for counterattacks. The position of the hand and the speed in performing the outer block greatly determine its effectiveness.

4. Deep block

Next is the inner block, which is also included in the category of various blocks in pencak silat. The inner block is used to block attacks coming from the outside towards the inside of the body. Unlike the outer block, this movement is done by swinging the arm from the outside to the inside of the body.

The inner block is very useful for blocking attacks coming from the side, such as punches or kicks aimed at the middle of the body. After performing an inner block, martial artists often take advantage of the gap to continue with a follow-up attack such as a counter punch or kick.

5. Side block

One of the types of blocks that are also often used in pencak silat is the side block. This block is useful for blocking attacks coming from the side, especially kicks or punches directed at the side of the body. This movement is done by raising the arm horizontally to block the attack.

The side block is not only useful for self-defense, but also helps the silat to maintain body balance. In addition, this block allows the silat to immediately follow up with a quick and effective counterattack, such as a kick to the lower body of the opponent.

6. Fan block

The fan block is a fairly unique blocking technique in the various types of pencak silat blocks. This movement resembles the movement of opening a fan, where the arm rotates quickly to block the opponent's attack. The fan block is used to block fast and consecutive attacks, such as consecutive punches coming from various directions.

This technique utilizes fast movements and hand flexibility to respond to attacks in a short time. The fan block is usually followed by an evasive movement or launching an explosive counterattack. This movement is often used by martial artists who have high mobility and speed in fighting.

7. Cross block

Cross block is one of the complex block techniques in the block genre. This movement is done by using both hands simultaneously to block attacks coming from the front, either in the form of punches or kicks. Both arms are crossed in front of the body to block attacks effectively.

Cross block provides greater protection because it involves both hands at once, thus being able to withstand a stronger attack. After performing a cross block, the silat practitioner usually responds immediately with a quick counter movement, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent loses balance.

By mastering various types of blocking in pencak silat, a silat practitioner can protect himself more effectively, and use every opponent's attack as an opportunity to launch a counterattack. Consistent training and a deep understanding of blocking techniques will make a silat practitioner more resilient in fighting.
