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Through a simple method, the public can check the DPT without having to queue or visit the KPU office.

  21 September 2024 06:00 - The verification process of the voter list for the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) has been completed by the General Elections Commission (KPU). Ahead of the simultaneous elections scheduled for November 27, 2024, it is important for the public to ensure that their right to vote can be exercised. Through the Cek DPT Online feature, every citizen can easily check whether they are registered as a voter.

The 2024 Regional Head Elections include the election of Governors, Mayors, and Regents in various regions. With the potential for errors or inaccuracies in the voter list, checking the DPT is a very important preventive step. This aims to ensure that all eligible citizens can vote without any problems on the day of voting.

Through a simple way, people can check the DPT without having to queue or visit the KPU office. Simply with internet access, information about voter status can be obtained quickly and accurately. Here are easy steps to check the Permanent Election List online, reported by from the official KPU website.

How to check DPT online for the 2024 Pilkada

Here's how to check the Permanent Election List  2024


To check your voter status, the first step you need to do is visit the official Cek DPT Online page at After entering the site, you will be asked to enter the 16-digit Population Identification Number (NIK) listed on your Identity Card (KTP). Make sure the NIK entered is correct so that the checking process runs smoothly.

Next, you need to enter your WhatsApp number to receive an OTP (One Time Password) code that will be sent via message. This code serves as a security measure to ensure that only the NIK owner can access his/her personal data. After receiving the OTP code, enter the code in the column provided and click 'Confirm'. If all steps are done correctly, information regarding the voter's full name, TPS number and location will appear on the screen.

It is important to remember that this checking process aims to ensure that all voters are properly registered. Online DPT checking is very relevant to prevent potential problems on election day. Thus, every citizen can participate in the democratic process without worrying about losing their right to vote.

Requirements for voters for the 2024 simultaneous regional elections

Here's how to check the Permanent Election List  2024


In order to be registered in the DPT, there are several requirements that must be met by each prospective voter. By fulfilling these requirements , each citizen can ensure that you are registered as a legitimate voter. Here are the requirements.

1. Be 17 (seventeen) years of age or older on voting day, be married, or have previously been married.
2. Not having had their voting rights revoked based on a court decision that has permanent legal force.
3. Domiciled in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, proven by an e-KTP.
4. Domiciled abroad as evidenced by an e-KTP, Passport and/or Travel Document in Lieu of a Passport.
5. If the Voter does not have an e-KTP as referred to in letters c and d, they can use a Family Card.
6. Not currently a soldier of the Indonesian National Army or a member of the Indonesian National Police.

Why is checking DPT important?

Here's how to check the Permanent Election List  2024


Checking the DPT is a proactive step that every citizen needs to take ahead of the Pilkada. By ensuring voter status, the risk of not being registered in the DPT can be minimized. This is very important, because every vote is very valuable in determining the direction of regional policy.

There are many cases where citizens feel they have registered, but it turns out that their names are not on the DPT. This situation can cause disappointment and loss of the opportunity to vote. Therefore, by using Cek DPT Online, all prospective voters can confirm their status easily and quickly.

In addition, accurate and transparent DPT is also one of the indicators of the quality of election implementation. Every vote given must be appreciated and recorded properly, so that the election results truly reflect the wishes of the people. Thus, active participation of the community in checking the DPT is an important part of realizing a democratic election.
