Facebook/Home Design Pictures
Brilio.net - The concept of a minimalist house is no longer foreign to the ears of modern society. Minimalist houses have the characteristics of a simple, plain layout, and are very efficient in the use of space. The main design focuses on open spaces without partitions, which allow for a free view and create a spacious impression.
The philosophy of a minimalist home emphasizes the functional value and practical use of every element of a room. Furniture and decorations are chosen selectively, only items that truly provide benefits are allowed to occupy the space. Every object that exists is certain to have an important role and support the activities of the home's occupants.
One example of a minimalist house looks simple from the outside but holds a surprise inside. The box-shaped building with a contrasting combination of black and orange looks ordinary at first glance. However, the interior of the house holds an eye-catching design and layout that proves the true minimalist concept.
Brilio.net collected 9 portraits of open-plan houses filled with aesthetic furniture taken from Facebook Home Design Pictures, Friday (13/12).
1. The facade of the house from the front looks simple and contrasting. There is only one door and a long window, as well as decorative wall lights. Looks very ordinary, right?
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures
2. You will be amazed after seeing the contents of this black house. Inside it is full of aesthetic furniture that is pleasing to the eye.
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures
3. This house is made without partitions, meaning there are no walls separating the rooms. So when you enter the house, it feels spacious and bright.
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures
4. In the corner, there is a dining table with cream and green nuances. Above it is installed a lamp with a unique shape. On the wall is also installed a mirror so that the room looks wider.
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures
5. Not far from there, there is a living room filled with a long sofa. Again, there are decorative lights with anti-mainstream shapes.
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures
6. Beside the TV room there is a large window to keep air circulating smoothly.
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures
7. A white kitchen with marble as the kitchen table. Don't forget the small window for smoke to enter and exit from the cooking process.
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures
8. Well, this is how the house looks at night. Thanks to the installed decorative wall lights, the house looks artistic.
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures
9. That's a portrait of a tiny house filled with aesthetic furniture. What do you think?
small house without partitions
Facebook/Home Design Pictures