Thanks to the power outage, this woman was able to reunite with her family without the distraction of gadgets

  6 Juni 2024 20:18 - Recently, a number of areas in Sumatra experienced long power outages. The power outage began on Tuesday, June 4 2024. It is known that this was caused by a disruption in the SUTT 275 KV Sumatra interconnection transmission system on the Lahat - Lubuk Linggau route.

Many people actually complained about this incident. The reason is that many activities are hampered, such as teaching and learning, trade and office activities. Not to mention that this also results in losses for several business actors.

But not the woman in this video. He was actually happy when the lights went out in his area. According to him, there were several moments that he did not feel when the electricity was on. The story can be seen in the TikTok video posted by the account @i1cak.

happy that Sumatra has blackout  TikTok

I'm glad the electricity went out in Sumatra

Instead of cursing and getting annoyed like other people. The woman actually thanked PLN for turning off electricity for the entire island of Sumatra.

"Thank you, PLN. For the past 2 days, the lights on the island of Sumatra have been out," he wrote, as reported by on Thursday (6/6).

Not without reason, this remark was given to his family being able to gather again without any distractions due to power outages. Usually, they are only busy with their respective devices or cellphones. But this time they can experience quality time.

Apart from that, the woman again saw many children playing running around, hide and seek, cycling and other traditional games. The reason is that this view is rarely seen anymore, when many children prefer to focus on the cellphone screen.

happy that Sumatra has blackout  TikTok

I'm glad the electricity went out in Sumatra

People in the same complex go out more often to socialize. They gather together and talk about anything. Likewise with children who are often left behind by their parents. At this moment, they interact more often.

"People in the same complex can come out to chat with each other again. Children who are always left behind by their parents at work can have more time with their parents and much more," he wrote.

He doesn't mind living without technology for a few days. Likewise, the house becomes a little hot, because you can't turn on the air conditioner. For him, this view is even more important, because the last time he experienced it was when he was 10 years old.

"Yes, even though it's a little hot and I can't sleep. But it's okay, at least in the next 2 days I can see memories from when I was 10 years old,"

This story then attracted the attention of netizens. Not a few people agree with this woman's opinion that they miss talking more with their family.

happy that Sumatra has blackout  TikTok

I'm glad the electricity went out in Sumatra

"It's true that the past was beautiful... nowadays the lights go out, if the power goes out for a long time, sometimes it reminds me of when I was little... it was busy, lots of chatter and lots of memories, basically," said the account @bayutamara.

"There must be a lesson in all of this, so even at home I reminisce," wrote Rizkikiki.

"So I remember when I was little, the lights in my area often went out at night, so our family gathered on the terrace of the house. The neighbors also gathered together, then we started telling stories until the lights came back on," commented the account @monsteetoblee.

"Moments like this are hard to find," said the account @juli 98.

@i1cak #pln #sumatra Home by Salma Salsabil - Sadvibes
