Photo: The PaperLab office papermaking system/

The system could shorten the recycling process in just one place instead of collecting the waste and process it in factory.

  23 Januari 2016 10:25 - In the world where recycling becomes one of the important and essential matter, Epson is launching its latest technology and made it the worlds first office papermaking system. The machine series is called PaperLab to be marketed in Japan, which turns waste paper into new paper using a dry process instead of shredding it.

Seiko Epson Corporation, a Japanese company famous for its printer products, had been developing this compact machine to bring the printing industry into a whole new level. The system could shorten the recycling process in just one place instead of collecting the waste and process it in factory before selling it as recycled papers. If the PaperLab is installed in all offices, it means there is no more paper waste in the world and less trees to cut.

Compact paper cycling in the office

By using dry process called as Dry Fiber Technology, PaperLab also uses no water in the makingwhile to make a single A4 paper a cup is normally needed. Dry Fiber Technology consists of three separate technologies: fiberizing, binding, and forming. In fiberizing, waste paper is transformed into long, thin cottony, fibers.

After that a variety of different binders are added to the fiberized material to increase the binding strength or whiteness of the paper or to add color, fragrance, flame resistance, or other properties needed for a given application. The final result comes in forming the new paper into the specification wanted.

Compact paper cycling in the office

Recycling paper onsite also means to reduce the transport CO emissions and thus become even more environmental-friendly.

The one feature highlighted by Epson is that the PaperLab securely destroy any confidential documents and immediately turns it into paper fibers before producing a new sheet of paper in just about three minutes. The final result comes in various sizes (up to A3), density, thickness, colors, and even scents, according to the needs. The system can produce about 14 A4 sheets per minute, which means 6,720 sheets in an eight-hour day.

With PaperLab installed in the backyard of offices, the way people use of paper is definitely changing and we can save so many costs, energy, water and time in just one machine.

(Reported by Victoria Tunggono)
