foto: TikTok/@fyani789

Now is the time of everything, if your kitchen is ugly, there is a cheap way to make your kitchen look aesthetic.

  30 Mei 2024 16:20 - For housewives , the kitchen is an important "office" for them. Almost every day, mothers struggle in the kitchen to clean and cook food for the family. Therefore, the kitchen needs to be kept clean, especially as this area gets dirty easily because it is used for cooking.

A dull, dirty and messy kitchen makes activities uncomfortable. There's no harm in doing a small makeover like what @fyani789 did. Through his TikTok upload, he shows his very simple kitchen.

The kitchen does not have a kitchen set. Apart from that, the table is only made from a wooden table and ordinary boards. Apart from that, the backsplash and kitchen table are very dirty.

Buluk kitchen makeover 100 thousand  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fyani789

The walls are also no less dirty. The owner of the @fyani789 account started doing a simple kitchen makeover that any mother can do. The first step is to clean the wall.

The woman was seen cleaning the crust stuck to the wall. The crust is cleaned so that the kitchen foam wallpaper can stick firmly. He chose white foam wallpaper with a brick wall motif.

Buluk kitchen makeover 100 thousand  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fyani789

Next is to clean the kitchen table which is only made of wooden planks. To keep it looking clean, he covered it with a wooden patterned plastic tablecloth to give it a calmer feel.

By covering the kitchen table, the kitchen looks cleaner. Moreover, plastic is easier to clean than wooden board coating.

Buluk kitchen makeover 100 thousand  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fyani789

This is the result of a fleece kitchen makeover using just foam wallpaper and vinyl tablecloths. For this small makeover, @fyani789 only spent IDR 100 thousand, you know. To make it even more beautiful, he also added curtains under the table and knick-knacks on wall shelves.

The result is much different from the kitchen before the makeover, right? This kitchen looks aesthetic, suitable for mothers as a place to content.

Buluk kitchen makeover 100 thousand  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fyani789

Netizens praised the mother's efforts to make her kitchen comfortable with just simple ingredients and tools. However, they also advised him to better paint the walls.

Buluk kitchen makeover 100 thousand  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@fyani789

" It's also called low buged... the important thing is that it's pretty neat ," said @mamaelfiza.

" Not all problems on the walls can be solved with wallpaper. Instead of buying 100 thousand for wallpaper, save a little more and buy wall paint so that the whole room is clean. Not just the stove ," said @rumahelyena.

" Excited, cool results ," said @feeling200621.

" Wow, it's even better ," said @ririnpaidah13.

" Wow, this is a great idea... to make it on the bedroom wall because every time you hang it it sticks, " said @marlinaeni91.

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