
Here's what they think.

  19 Desember 2016 13:39 - Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja "Ahok" Purnama's campaign team last week shared a video of testimonials by the city's Thousand Islands residents following Ahok's first blasphemy case trial.

Guntur Romli, a member of a team, spread a six-minute video on his Twitter @GunRomli and in the video, people from the region were shown responding to the case held against the governor after a video of him quoting the Quran in a speech at Thousand Islands led to protests by Muslim conservatives.

Fishermen in the video said they did not see think Ahok committed anything blasphemous during his visit, saying his visit was mainly to promote his programs to the locals.

"If we watched the full version of the video of Ahok in Thousand Islands, it wouldnt be like this. The reporters [of the case] are not even locals from Thousand Islands who saw and listened [to Ahok's speech] directly," one of them said.

Here is the video testimonial shared by Guntur Romli.



Up Next: Ahok Sobs As Blasphemy Trial Begins