Directional signs are an important part of the traffic system designed to provide information to road users.

  24 September 2024 06:20 - Directional signs are an important part of the traffic system designed to provide information to road users. These signs help drivers understand the direction, destination, and facilities available around. This article will discuss the types of direction signs, their functions, and examples of their use on the highway to provide a clearer understanding of the types of signs.

1. Direction signs

One of the most common types of signs is the directional sign. This sign provides information about the direction of destinations to various cities, regions, or other important places. Its form is usually a green board with writing and arrows indicating the direction.

Directional signs are very useful at intersections, especially in busy areas or large cities. The information provided allows drivers to choose the right route without confusion. For example, at large intersections, these signs will show directions to the city center, airport, bus terminal, or suburbs.

2. Distance indicator signs

Distance signs are included in the types of direction signs that provide information about the distance to a particular place or destination. These signs are usually installed along main roads and serve to inform drivers how many kilometers to go to their destination, such as a big city, port, or tourist location.

Distance signs are usually rectangular and green in color with white text. Their use is very helpful especially on long-distance trips, where drivers need to know how much longer the trip will take to reach their destination. These signs also help in planning rest breaks during the trip.

3. Facility signposts

Various types of directional signs also include facility signs. These signs provide information about public facilities available along the road, such as gas stations, restaurants, rest areas, health clinics, or repair shops. These signs are usually installed several kilometers before the facility so that drivers can prepare to stop or find an entrance.

Facility signs are usually rectangular with certain easily recognizable symbols. For example, a picture of a gas pump indicates the location of a gas station, a picture of a fork and spoon indicates a place to eat, or a picture of a bed indicates a hotel or lodging. These signs are very helpful, especially on toll roads or long highways with minimal facilities.

4. Signs indicating area boundaries

Boundary signs are one of the types of signs that are often found when entering or leaving an administrative area. These signs provide information about the boundaries of a city, district, province, or country. Their function is to inform drivers that they have entered a new area and may need to comply with applicable local regulations.

Border signs are generally rectangular in shape with different colors depending on the type of area indicated. Provincial boundary signs, for example, are often green with large writing stating the name of the province. These signs can also include additional information such as slogans or regional characteristics.

5. Toll road signs

One of the important types of signs for toll road users is the toll road sign. This sign provides information about toll road entrances and exits, toll route numbers, and information about toll rates. Drivers can also get information about facilities on the toll road, such as rest areas, gas stations, and toll gates.

Toll road signs are usually green or blue with clear text and symbols, making it easy for drivers to understand the information even when traveling at high speeds. This information is very important to ensure drivers take the right lane and know where the next stop is.

6. U-turn sign

U-turn signs are also included in the types of signs that serve to inform drivers of the location where they are allowed to turn around. This sign is very important on long highways and has road dividers, where drivers cannot turn carelessly.

Usually, U-turn signs are rectangular with a curved arrow symbol indicating the reverse direction. This sign is often found on major roads with a median separating opposing lanes. Its function is to regulate traffic to be more orderly and reduce accidents due to uncontrolled U-turns.

7. Signs indicating special zones

One of the types of signs often found in big cities is the special zone sign. This sign provides information about areas that have special rules or regulations, such as school zones, free parking zones, or no-stopping zones. This sign helps regulate traffic in areas that require special attention, such as near schools or hospitals.

Special zone signs are usually rectangular with symbols or text explaining the rules that apply in that zone. For example, in a school zone, this sign will indicate that drivers must slow down or stop to make way for pedestrians.

8. Railway crossing signs

Railway crossing signs are also included in the types of signs that are important for the safety of road users. These signs are usually placed before railway crossings and provide information about the presence of railway tracks ahead. These signs can also be accompanied by a light symbol that indicates whether a train is about to cross.

Railroad crossing signs are often rectangular with a symbol of a rail or train. These signs are very important because railroad crossings are often accident-prone locations if drivers are not paying attention or are negligent in stopping when a train passes.

Understanding the various types of road signs is important for every driver to be able to plan their trip better, know the facilities available along the way, and obey the traffic regulations in force in each region. Thus, safety and comfort on the road can be maintained properly.
