Nilov; Anastasia Shuraeva

Many parents still believe that this ritual can make their child's new teeth grow faster and better.

  25 Desember 2024 13:00 - Childhood is always colored with a special moment when baby teeth start to fall out one by one. Well, when this moment occurs, many parents in the past advised their children to throw the baby teeth that fell out onto the roof of the house. This tradition is quite popular among Indonesian people.

The tradition of throwing baby teeth onto the roof of the house has been carried out for generations by people in various regions. Many parents still believe that this ritual can make children's new teeth grow faster and better. This habit even still persists today even though there has been progress in dentistry.

It is no wonder that Indonesian people have various interpretations about the tradition of throwing baby teeth onto the roof of the house. If examined, this simple ritual is believed to contain prayers and good hopes for the growth of children's teeth.

So what are the meanings of the myths surrounding baby teeth that fall out and are thrown onto the roof of the house? Let's take a look at the complete review that has adapted from various sources, Tuesday (12/24).

The meaning of the myth surrounding baby teeth being thrown onto the roof of the house

The meaning of the myth about throwing baby teeth onto the roof of the house  2024

The meaning of the myth surrounding baby teeth being thrown onto the roof of the house Santana

1. Teeth grow fast like they are climbing to the roof

People believe that throwing baby teeth to the roof of the house will make the child's new teeth grow as fast as the movement of the tooth thrown upwards. This philosophy is taken from the movement of throwing upwards quickly and immediately reaching the roof.

Parents usually invite their children to throw baby teeth while saying a prayer so that new teeth will grow soon. This ritual is usually done in the afternoon before sunset because it is believed to be the most appropriate time.

2. Teeth grow straight and strong

Roofs made of clay tiles are believed to have the power to make new teeth grow straight and strong. People believe that the hard and durable characteristics of the tiles will be transmitted to the new teeth that will grow.

Some areas even have special rituals such as directing the throwing of teeth at new and intact roof tiles to get the best results.

The meaning of the myth about throwing baby teeth onto the roof of the house  2024

The meaning of the myth surrounding baby teeth being thrown onto the roof of the house Reyes

3. Inviting blessings from the sky

Throwing teeth on the roof is believed to be a way to ask for blessings from the sky so that the growth of the child's teeth is blessed. The position of the roof at the top of the house is considered closer to the sky so that the prayers offered are more easily answered. People believe that the higher the roof of the house where the teeth are thrown, the greater the blessings that will be received.

4. Symbol of childhood release

The ritual of throwing baby teeth has a philosophical meaning as a symbol of the release of childhood towards new growth. The thrown baby teeth symbolize a phase of life that has finished and is ready to be replaced by a new, more mature phase. Parents often use this moment to teach children about the process of growth and change in life.

5. Pain reliever

Throwing teeth to the roof is believed to reduce pain when new teeth start to grow. This ritual is believed to have the power to make the process of growing new teeth smoother and less painful for the child. Many parents include special mantras or prayers when throwing teeth to increase the efficacy of this painkiller.

The meaning of the myth about throwing baby teeth onto the roof of the house  2024

The meaning of the myth surrounding baby teeth being thrown onto the roof of the house Parra

6. Determining the shape of new teeth

The way you throw baby teeth to the roof is said to affect the shape of the teeth that will grow later. People believe that if the tooth is thrown right on the roof tiles and does not bounce, the new teeth will grow with a neat shape. Some areas even believe that the direction the tooth is thrown can determine the shape and position of the teeth that will grow.

7. Bringer of good luck

Finally, baby teeth that successfully land on the roof of the house are believed to bring good luck to the child. This myth developed because the roof of the house is considered a blessed place and symbolizes protection for its occupants. The longer the baby teeth are on the roof of the house, the greater the luck the child will get in his life.
