Crime news is one type of news that often appears in the mass media.

  25 September 2024 09:25 - Crime news is one type of news that often appears in the mass media. This news reports incidents related to criminal acts, such as theft, robbery, murder, and other crimes. Crime news has an important role in providing information to the public about the security situation around them.

The function of crime news is not only to provide information, but also to raise public awareness of the importance of security and vigilance. In addition, crime news can also function as a social control tool, where the public can find out about illegal actions and their impacts.

The format for writing crime news usually follows the 5W+1H structure (What, Who, When, Where, Why, How). This structure helps news writers to convey information completely and clearly. Here are 5 examples of short news texts about crime that can be used as references.

  1. Theft in an electronics store

    Jakarta, September 24, 2024 - An electronics store in the Sudirman area, Jakarta, was targeted for theft on Tuesday night. The perpetrator managed to take various electronic goods worth hundreds of millions of rupiah. According to eyewitnesses, the perpetrator acted very quickly and professionally. The police are currently conducting further investigations to catch the perpetrator.

    Definition: Theft is the act of taking someone else's property without permission with the intention of owning the property.

    Function: This news provides information to the public about theft incidents that occur around them, so that they can be more alert.

    Format: This news follows the 5W+1H structure by explaining what happened (theft), who was involved (the perpetrator and eyewitnesses), when it happened (Tuesday night), where (an electronics store in Sudirman), why (not yet known), and how (the perpetrator acted quickly and professionally).

  2. Bank robbery in Surabaya

    Surabaya, September 23, 2024 - A bank in downtown Surabaya was robbed by a group of armed men on Monday afternoon. The perpetrators managed to escape with billions of rupiah in cash. There were no fatalities in this incident, but several customers were traumatized. The police have secured CCTV footage and are hunting for the perpetrators.

    Definition: Robbery is the act of taking someone else's goods or money using violence or the threat of violence.

    Function: This news provides information about robbery incidents that occur at banks, so that people can be more careful when in public places.

    Format: This news follows the 5W+1H structure by explaining what happened (robbery), who was involved (the perpetrator and the customer), when it happened (Monday afternoon), where (a bank in Surabaya), why (not yet known), and how (the perpetrator was armed and made off with the money).

  3. Murder in a luxury apartment

    Bandung, September 22, 2024 - A woman was found dead in her apartment in the Dago area, Bandung, on Sunday night. The victim is suspected of being killed by her boyfriend after a heated argument. The police have detained the victim's boyfriend for further questioning. The case is still under investigation.

    Definition: Murder is the act of intentionally taking another person's life.

    Function: This news provides information about murder incidents that occur in apartments, so that the public can be more aware of their surroundings.

    Format: This news story follows the 5W+1H structure by explaining what happened (murder), who was involved (victim and her boyfriend), when it happened (Sunday night), where (apartment in Dago), why (a big fight), and how (victim was found dead).

  4. Online fraud in Medan

    Medan, September 21, 2024 - A man in Medan became a victim of online fraud after transferring Rp 50 million to buy goods he never received. The perpetrator used a fake identity and disappeared after receiving the money. Police urge the public to be more careful in online transactions.

    Definition: Fraud is the act of deceiving others in order to gain an advantage by dishonest means.

    Function: This news provides information about online fraud incidents, so that people can be more careful in making transactions on the internet.

    Format: This news follows the 5W+1H structure by explaining what happened (online fraud), who was involved (victim and perpetrator), when it happened (September 21, 2024), where (Medan), why (to get money), and how (the perpetrator used a fake identity).

  5. Drug cases in Bali

    Bali, September 20, 2024 - Police managed to arrest a drug dealer in the Kuta area, Bali, on Saturday night. The perpetrator was caught carrying a large amount of crystal methamphetamine ready to be distributed. This arrest was the result of an operation that had been carried out for several weeks. The perpetrator is now being held for further legal proceedings.

    Definition: Drugs are substances or drugs that can cause dependence and damage health if misused.

    Function: This news provides information about the arrest of drug dealers, so that the public can be more aware of drug trafficking around them.

    Format: This news follows the 5W+1H structure by explaining what happened (arrest of drug dealers), who was involved (the perpetrators and the police), when it happened (Saturday night), where (Kuta, Bali), why (drug trafficking), and how (the results of the police operation).
