foto: - Instagram , as one of the most popular social media throughout the world, has a very large number of users. According to a report from, Indonesia has more than 104 million active Instagram users from various circles. From this data it is also known that Indonesia is the fourth highest Instagram user in the world.
Instagram has succeeded in attracting attention from very diverse groups, from young people, adults, and even young children. Most Instagram users use their accounts for personal needs, such as uploading status/stories related to daily life.
Questions about how to get extra money from Instagram are floating around in the minds of cyberspace users. Information related to seeking additional income from Instagram has not spread widely enough among the public.
However, as time goes by and the spread of digital information, many online news portals are starting to spread information or ways to earn extra money from Instagram . Why does information related to this attract so much attention from cyberspace people? Apart from the massive number of Instagram users, accessing and surfing Instagram is very easy.
Users only need to scroll continuously to get information. And it turns out that from Instagram scrolling capital, you can generate lots of rupiah.
A person's opportunities and success are certainly different, make sure you have high enthusiasm and are able to think creatively to seize the opportunities that exist. Here are several ways to get extra money from Instagram, as reported by from various sources, Wednesday (28/2).
1. Become an influencer
How to earn extra money from Instagram
Influencers can surf social media easily. Whatever they post will be of interest to their followers. If you succeed in becoming an influencer, then your opportunity to earn income on Instagram is also big.
You need to know, influencers are able to attract engagement from socialites with their style, lifestyle, achievements, prestige, position, and even stature. With these various advantages, they will appear on social media with an image that has been adjusted as best as possible.
So how do you get extra money from Instagram as an influencer? You can collaborate with various well-known companies or brands which you can promote via Instagram media. Usually this kind of activity is known as endorsement, the higher the level of engagement you manage to attract, the more income you will earn.
2. Become a content creator
How to earn extra money from Instagram
Apart from being an influencer, being a content creator is also quite profitable. Content creators are those who produce various kinds of interesting content that is broadcast on various social media platforms. Content creators have their own focus or scope according to their passion or preferences, such as video editing content creators, beauty content creators, and even game content creators.
They will try to create interesting, creative and unique content. The more interesting the content, the more potential engagement they can collect. Through this content, you make money from sponsorships, endorsements, ads, or affiliates.
3. Sell goods online
How to earn extra money from Instagram
You can get ideas or ways to get extra money from Instagram from programs selling goods on the marketplace. The online goods business is currently quite promising, many offline business actors are starting to explore the digital world.
There are various factors why online businesses are popular with the public, one of which is because they can run with relatively small capital. Apart from the marketplace itself, the Instagram platform can also be an effective profit-making field.
Turn your Instagram account into a business account for disseminating information related to the products you are marketing, either through product photos or product advertisements that have been packaged in an attractive way. Apart from that, currently Instagram has launched a feature that makes it easier for sellers to promote their products, this feature is called Instagram Shopping. One of the tips for boosting sales is to follow trends that are developing in society.
4. Content monetization
How to earn extra money from Instagram
Another interesting way to earn income from Instagram is to take advantage of the video monetization program. Monetization can be done by adding video advertisements (ads) to the content you produce.
To activate this feature, you can open the settings section, then activate In-stream Video, you will automatically be registered as a paid ads service user. Like other ad platform services, the public will be shown a product advertisement when watching your content.
The more and longer the viewing time, the more rewards you can generate from content monetization. As for the content requirements that can be integrated with the ads feature, the content must be at least 2 minutes long.
5. Open freelance services
How to earn extra money from Instagram
You can make freelancing or freelancing the next interesting idea to earn extra money from Instagram. There are many people who need help working on a project, such as content creation, video editing, graphic design, even sound design.
You can try some of these freelance opportunities to make money from anywhere. Instagram can also be used as a platform to promote your skills in various job opportunities.
Make a portfolio or upload your best work on Instagram, so that more people will believe in your capacity. Earnings from freelancing vary greatly, it all depends on how you are able to complete tasks as well as possible.
6. Enter the giveaway
How to earn extra money from Instagram
One unique idea or way to earn extra money from Instagram that you can try is by taking part in a giveaway - an event that gives away free prizes from influencers, content creators, or accounts of popular brands.
You can get various attractive rewards, such as fantastic nominal amounts of money, luxury goods, and even untold prizes. Usually giveaway events are held to commemorate a certain day, or to celebrate an agenda. However, what you need to pay attention to is the requirements. Often giveaway events have quite a lot of conditions and are quite difficult. Therefore, you have to try your best to get attractive prizes.
7. Open a consignment service (jastip)
How to earn extra money from Instagram
Currently, the trend of jastip business or entrustment services is being widely discussed and many people need it. You can market consignment services using your Instagram account. As the name suggests, people entrust items they want to buy because they have limitations, such as limited time and location constraints.
For example, you live in city A, while your friend who lives in city B, entrusts you to buy souvenirs from city A, then the goods are sent back to city B. This cycle is what is usually called jastip.
The nominal payment varies, depending on how much, how fast, and how difficult it is to get the item. Apart from food, there are many jastip ideas that people often need, such as clothes, household furniture, and even well-known items.
8. Open a paid promotion service
How to earn extra money from Instagram
Even though the trend of paid promotion is currently very declining, you can try this method to earn extra money. Paid promotion is a social media promotion service developed to disseminate information/promotion of a product. Apart from that, it can also be used to commemorate certain celebrations. Every time you share the promotional story, a nominal amount is paid. The higher your account engagement and how many followers you have, the higher the value per content shared will be.
9. Become an online item appraiser
How to earn extra money from Instagram
Goods appraisers or commonly called reviewers have a high market in society. This is because there are so many similar products from various different manufacturers, of course people want the best goods when they buy.
Therefore, the reviewer's role is useful in reviewing how good the quality of the goods from that brand is. After the public sees reviews of the product they want to buy that meet their expectations, they will become more confident about buying the product.
You can use this market share to harvest as much profit as possible. The main step as a product reviewer, you must have high honesty, and not easily exaggerate the value of a product just because of a commission offer from a certain brand. The higher the integrity you have, the higher the rewards you will earn.
10. Activate the live badge feature
How to earn extra money from Instagram
The Live badge feature is a feature recently launched by Instagram to facilitate Instagram influencers. They can earn rewards when hosting Instagram Live from their personal accounts.
Like the Tiktok platform, you can get gifts while you are live which can then be cashed out in rupiah. Badges (gifts) can be obtained with a number of coins purchased during the live broadcast. The more live viewers you have when you broadcast, the higher your potential for getting badges.
Those are 10 ways to make extra money from Instagram. Apart from the methods that have been mentioned, there are many other interesting ideas that you can try to earn income through Instagram or similar social media platforms.
One of the keys to success in attracting public engagement is how interesting the content you present is, the more creative and entertaining the content you create, the higher the views you get. It is from this level of views that your chances of success in harvesting profits from social media are higher. Hopefully this information is useful!
Intern: Zidan Fajri