Opinion text is a type of writing that you often encounter, whether in print media, blogs, or other digital platforms.

  10 September 2024 23:22

Brilio.net - Opinion text is one type of writing that you often find, whether in print media, blogs, or other digital platforms. Opinion is a personal opinion based on a person's views or experiences on a particular topic. However, even though it is subjective, opinion text must be supported by logical arguments and facts to strengthen the opinion. This is what makes opinion text more interesting and credible.

Opinion texts play an important role in shaping people's perspectives on an issue or problem. In the world of education, economics, politics, and culture, opinions are often used as a basis for making decisions or influencing policies. Therefore, it is important for someone who wants to convey their opinion to know how to compose it appropriately and effectively.

For beginners who want to create opinion texts, it is important to understand the basic structure of opinion texts and tips for writing them. By understanding how to create good opinion texts, you can express your opinions in a more structured way and be able to convey messages clearly to readers. For that, brilio.net has summarized from various sources, Tuesday (10/9) short opinion texts complete with definitions, structures, and how to create them.

Definition of opinion text

Opinion text is a writing that contains a person's personal views, opinions, or assessments of a particular issue or topic. The opinions expressed in opinion texts are usually subjective, but must still be accompanied by rational arguments and relevant supporting data.

Opinion Text Structure

The structure of an opinion text consists of several parts, namely:

1. Introduction

The introduction contains an introduction to the topic to be discussed, as well as the author's point of view on the topic. In this section, the author introduces the problem or issue that will be opined on.

2. Content or argument

This section contains an explanation of the author's views or opinions on the topic raised. The opinion must be supported by supporting arguments and data so that the opinion looks stronger and more convincing.

3. Conclusion

In the closing section, the author provides a conclusion or recap of the opinions that have been presented. The closing usually contains suggestions, hopes, or final statements related to the topic discussed.

How to make an opinion text

To create a good opinion text, there are several steps you can follow:

1. Choose an interesting topic

Choose a topic that is relevant to current issues or in accordance with the reader's interests. Interesting topics will make readers more enthusiastic to listen to the opinions conveyed.

2. Research and collect data

Before forming an opinion, make sure you do research first to gather data and facts that support your opinion. This will make your opinion stronger and not seem haphazard.

3. Arrange logical arguments

Write your argument logically and structured. Use relevant facts and data to support your opinion. Avoid overly emotional statements without a clear basis.

4. Write in clear and easy to understand language

Use language that is clear and easy for readers to understand. Avoid using terms that are too technical or complicated, especially if your audience is general readers.

10 Examples of Short Opinion Texts

1. Opinions about distance education

Distance learning has become a solution during the pandemic, but there are major challenges in its implementation, especially in terms of technology accessibility in remote areas.

2. Opinions on government environmental policies

Government environmental policies must be more assertive to address air pollution issues in big cities. Preventive measures and public education are essential to preserving nature.

3. Opinion on social media as a business platform

Social media has become a very effective business platform. However, its excessive use for promotion can also disrupt social interactions between users.

4. Opinion on the development of AI technology

AI technology offers many benefits, but there are concerns about the potential replacement of human labor with machines. Clear regulations are needed to address these negative impacts.

5. Opinions on mental health among adolescents

Adolescent mental health needs serious attention, especially with the increasing cases of depression and anxiety due to social and academic pressures.

6. Opinion about the education system in Indonesia

The education system in Indonesia still needs a lot of improvement, especially in terms of learning methods which must be more oriented towards developing students' creativity and innovation.

7. Opinions about minimalist lifestyle

Minimalist lifestyle is becoming a trend among millennials. It is not only about reducing stuff, but also about simplifying life to focus more on the things that really matter.

8. Opinion about consumer culture in society

The increasingly widespread consumer culture of society is driven by the development of e-commerce. Awareness to shop according to needs needs to be increased so as not to get caught up in a wasteful lifestyle.

9. Opinions on character education in schools

Character education in schools needs to be improved so that the younger generation is not only academically intelligent, but also has high integrity and moral responsibility.

10. Opinions on the use of single-use plastic

The use of single-use plastic is still a major environmental problem. The government and society need to work together to reduce its use and switch to environmentally friendly products.
