There is a vibrating sensation when eating this dish~

  3 Agustus 2022 10:02

Hello Brilio Friends,

Back on Eat Street. This episode will invite you to try chicken noodles from Simprug chicken noodles in the Grogol area, South Jakarta. Uniquely, this chicken noodle shop is located across from the train tracks, so while you eat you are treated to a view of trains passing by.

There are only two menus here, meatball chicken noodles and wonton chicken noodles. Then you can choose whether you want the original or yamin flavor. Next, regular or jumbo portions.

About taste? There's no need to doubt it. Well, it's so popular , usually this chicken noodle is sold out at lunch time.

Are you increasingly curious about the taste and price of Simprug chicken noodles? Before coming, you can first check the following video from BrilioFood .
