His appearance is consistently charming. SEE MORE...
9 Moments after Mahalini and Rizky Febian's wedding party, the bride's sandals made her lose focus
For a while, Mahalini said that she first approached Rizky Febian via Instagram DM
Mahalini and Rizky Febian's wedding invitation was allegedly leaked, here's the contents of the series of events
Become a matchmaker for Mahalini & Rizky, 11 portraits of Ziva Magnolya's friendship with Mahalini like sisters
Soon to be married, Mahalini revealed the contents of the chat when she first met Rizky Febian
Living in an interfaith relationship and now getting married, 11 portraits of Rizky Febian and Mahalini's love journey
Her clothes are considered to rival those of brides, here are 9 portraits of Mahalini wearing a white dress at a wedding
The house is majestic like a Balinese kingdom, these 7 portraits of Mahalini's simple kitchen have a unique feel in the villa