At the 10th Mangkunegaran Anniversary event in Solo, Mulan Jameela's appearance attracted attention. SEE MORE...
[QUIZ] Choose 1 of 5 looks of Susi Pudjiastuti wearing kebaya, the result will reveal your eccentric side
[QUIZ] Kebaya inspiration for celebrity petite body owners through height choices
[QUIZ] Which celebrity wears the most stunning black kebaya? The results reveal your mysterious side
[QUIZ] Find dark kebaya inspiration from celebrities through this selection of party bags
[QUIZ] Choose a kebaya model that suits your character, reveal which mixed-race celebrity resembles you
Having royal blood from her father, these 9 portraits of Aaliyah Massaid wearing a kebaya have the aura of a palace princess
9 Charms of Mahalini Raharja wearing a kebaya, looking elegant when going through the traditional procession before the wedding
Exciting portrait of former Vicky Prasetyo's manglingi Kalina Octaranny becomes a Jogja bride, do you want to get married again?