The lively reception was attended by the extended family and invited guests from various circles. SEE MORE...
8 celebrity photo styles with Vincent at his wedding party with Vior that will make you lose focus
Dating without publicity, here are 9 intimate moments of Febby Rastanty and Drajad Djumantara at a wedding reception
Style of 11 celebrities attending Yislam Jaidi & Miskah's in-laws' wedding, Aaliyah Massaid looks elegant wearing a cheongsam dress
Style of 10 dangdut singers at Nia LIDA & Andi Agung's wedding, Putri Isnari looks stunning in full gold jewelry
Portraits of 9 celebrities attending their assistant's wedding, Ayu Ting Ting's casual style is in the spotlight
11 Portraits of Celebrities at Hana Saraswati-Justin's Wedding, Mischa Chandrawinata-Cut Syifa Causes a Stir
[QUIZ] Find out which Sintya Marisca wedding style suits you, based on this one item choice.
9 Moments Baim Wong attended an employee reception without Paula Verhoeven, his wife's whereabouts were questioned
5 celebrity styles attending Cassandra Lee's wedding, Beby Tsabina looks elegant with flawless makeup