The house occupied by Cindya Fatikasari and Tengku Firmansyah has 3 rooms located close to each other.

  24 Juni 2024 13:25

Couple Cindy Fatikasari and Tengku Firmansyah left their flashy careers in the entertainment world to move abroad, to be precise in Canada. The couple's decision to move was none other than to support the education of their two children, Tengku Omar Atalla and Tengku Kianu Zimraan, who are currently studying in Canada.

While living in Canada, this couple started life from scratch. Especially in terms of housing. Through their YouTube page, it is known that they rented a town house as a place to live while in Canada.

Even though you only rent, the residence looks comfortable with complete facilities. You can see that the kitchen is minimalist with a mini bar and mini island. Meanwhile, for the room, there isn't much furniture in it.

Here, summarizes from various sources on Monday (24/6), a portrait of Cindy Fatikasari's house in Canada.
