The residence, which is now in a sad condition, consists of two floors.

  7 Juli 2024 04:00

After marrying Danu Sofwan, Jenita Janet no longer appeared on the screen. This dancer , known as Duo Racun, has now decided to become an entrepreneur. It is known that he started a Muslim clothing business.

However, his figure will never be remembered by Indonesian music fans. Before successfully starting a career in Jakarta, apparently Jenita Janet had moved from house to house. Reporting from the Relasi Mystery YouTube channel, he left his old residence after settling in Jakarta.

Unfortunately, Jenita Janet's old house is now abandoned and no longer inhabited. The condition is quite sad. The furniture in the residence appeared to be damaged and left just like that in the corner of the room.

"So here is Jenita Janet's house, where she lived here before she went viral or became an artist. When she became an artist, she went to Jakarta to try her luck," said the owner of the YouTube channel.

The following is a summary by from the Relasi Mystery YouTube channel on Saturday (6/7), a portrait of Jenita Janet's old house before she was famous.


The furniture in the residence appeared to be damaged and just left in the corner of the room.

