foto: Instagram/@therealdisastr; Instagram/@biasalahanakmuda

Dian Sastrowardoyo's house is uniquely designed in the style of a Ghibli film

  8 Juli 2024 08:29

Celebrity life is certainly an attraction for netizens. Especially if this is related to private property they own, such as their residence.

One of them is Dian Sastrowardoyo's house. The Nicholas Saputra couple in the film What's Up with Love has a unique house designed in the style of a Ghibli film, you know.

Not only the design, the layout concept of the house is also based on personal taste. Like the bathroom which actually has a mini library, you know. So, Dian and other family residents can relax in the bathroom while reading a book.

Are you curious about the appearance of the bathroom ? Check out the portrait compiled by from Instagram @cepatlahanakmuda on Monday (8/7).
