I was once in debt due to lack of jobs.

  18 Agustus 2024 04:00

Randy Pangalila is one of the local actors who is inseparable from the public spotlight. His name is back in the spotlight after winning a boxing event some time ago. Behind his life that was once far from the spotlight, he admitted that he had experienced the lowest point in his life.

Despite his success, it turns out he had gone through hard times. Even in 2019, he was visited by debt collectors regarding unpaid house installments. Having bought a house since the 2000s with a mortgage installment system, it turns out Randy had a quiet job.

In addition, Randy Pangalila admitted that his popularity as an actor made his lifestyle very hedonistic. He even often spent his money on collecting clothes rather than long-term investments. As a result, Chelsey Frank's husband almost went bankrupt and had a lot of debt.

Now living happily and successfully paying off his debts, Randy Pangalila and his small family have lived in their dream home. The residence is also considered luxurious with various facilities including a beautiful backyard. Even the facade is pleasing to the eye.

One of the corners of Randy Pangalila's house that is no less interesting is the kitchen. Randy Pangalila's new home kitchen is quite spacious, complete with a kitchen set and an island table. Uniquely, the island table is equipped with a sink.

Curious about what the clean kitchen in Randy Pangalila's new house looks like? Let's see the full review below! Brilio.net adapted from various sources, Saturday (17/8)


Meanwhile, there is a white island table. On the island table there is a sink for washing hands.

foto: YouTube/AH
