
It is important to keep the bathroom dry.

  30 Juli 2024 12:00

The bathroom is one of the dampest rooms in the house, so it often becomes a nest for insects and small animals, such as worms. Humid conditions in the bathroom will make it an ideal environment for worms to breed. In addition, gaps in floor or wall tiles that are not tightly closed provide an entry way for these small worms.

Worms not only disrupt the aesthetics of the bathroom, but can also disrupt the cleanliness and health of the room . To keep your bathroom clean, it is important to keep it dry. Apart from that, you also have to make sure that the worms in the bathroom are completely eradicated.

When wanting to get rid of small worms in the bathroom, some people usually rely on vinegar. But it's not just vinegar, there are other kitchen ingredients that are also effective at getting rid of small worms in the bathroom. This kitchen ingredient was used by the owner of the Instagram account @diidii_winfleur.

Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on one kitchen spice. Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @diidii_winfleur on Tuesday (30/7), the kitchen spice in question is salt. Yup, this salt can make worms dry out and make them reluctant to go to the bathroom again.


Well, apart from using salt, Instagram user @diidii_winfleur also provides other tricks to get rid of worms. The second trick is to flush the bathroom using bleach mixed with water. You can also flush the bathroom with carbolic acid, you know. That way, the worms die immediately and nothing will come again.

