
Which one is more stunning~

  13 September 2024 09:30

Comedian Andre Taulany is currently facing a divorce. Andre has decided to divorce his wife, Erin Taulany after 19 years of marriage. But who would have thought, before officially getting divorced, Andre Taulany has already been matched up by netizens. This time, Sule's best friend was matched up with Amanda Rigby.

Their closeness began after filming several programs together. Their closeness was further strengthened by the circulation of a video showing Andre secretly photographing Amanda Rigby while filming. The portraits of Amanda Rigby and Andre Taulany together are now in the spotlight.

Especially when both of them played the role of the bride and groom on the Sahur Lebih Seger show. Apparently, the moment when Amanda Rigby 'got married' in a la-ala way did not only happen with Andre Taulany. Amanda also 'got married' to Surya Insomnia and Ananda Omesh on a television program, you know.

During the 'marriage' moment , Amanda only appeared with minimal makeup but still fresh. Curious about what Amanda Rigby's makeup was like when she 'married' the three comedians? Check out the different makeup styles of Amanda Rigby when she 'married' Andre Taulany, Surya, and Omesh below, briliobeauty.net summarized from various sources on Friday (13/9).


Even though she wears minimal makeup, with on fleek eyebrows, simple eye makeup, and soft lipstick, Amanda's aura of beauty still radiates naturally.

