The virtual world has recently been rocked by a video of an iced tea seller named Sonhaji who became the victim of insults. The incident occurred when Sonhaji was selling his wares at a religious study event in Magelang attended by Gus Miftah. The preacher's unpleasant words to the seller sparked anger from the wider community.
Various forms of support poured in for Sonhaji from various circles, including from famous TikToker Willie Salim . Known for his charitable actions, Willie immediately took real action to help. He and his team visited Sonhaji's residence in Grabag, Magelang, to provide moral support as well as financial assistance.
Willie was warmly welcomed by Sonhaji and his family who seemed touched by the attention. In addition to talking directly, Willie gave some cash as a form of his concern for Sonhaji's struggle.
Furthermore, here are the moments when Willie Salim visited Sonhaji's house, summarized by from the Instagram account @willie27_, Wednesday (4/12).
When receiving Rp 100 million in cash from Willie, Sonhaji could not hold back his tears.