Especially when wearing Javanese clothing. shows that Aaliyah never fails to look elegant

  21 Juli 2024 08:00

Only days are left, Aaliyah Massaid and Tariq Halilintar will officially become husband and wife. After the proposal ceremony on July 23 2024 was held lively, this time on Saturday (20/7) the extended family of Thariq Halilintar and Aaliyah held events leading up to the wedding, namely recitations, siraman, and a step procession.

In Indonesian wedding traditions, before the wedding day, the prospective bride and groom must go through several traditional processions, such as the siraman or step procession. This siraman procession is carried out with the aim of asking for blessings and mercy from God.

Meanwhile, the step procession is part of a traditional event carried out by a younger sibling to ask permission to precede their older sibling to get married. As is known, Aaliyah Massaid has an older sister named Zahwa Massaid. Therefore, before officially getting married, he had to ask for his older brother's blessing.

During the recitation event, the shower and the step procession, Aaliyah appeared elegant in various clothes that were inseparable from Javanese customs. It's no surprise that this appearance proves that she never fails to look elegant.

So what is the charm of Aaliyah Massaid's appearance in the recitation, siraman, and the procession? The following is a collection of portraits summarized by from Instagram and YouTube thariqhalilintar and Instagram @zahwamassaid, Saturday (20/7).
