Old farmer is planting crops in the hustle and bustle of metropolitan city (Photo: Brilio.net/Retno Wulandari)
Brilio.net/en - Jakarta was burning hot at 38 degrees Celcius the afternoon I met him, but Pak Masnans lush vegetable farm looked like a piece of green paradise. The old man washard at workwith his plants, taking care of new seeds of sweet basil.
Budding basilare vulnerable," Masnan said. "They cant stand the scorching sun and when the weather is hot they need to be watered at least eight times a day or they will wither and die. If only I knew that the weather would be this hot, I wouldn't have planted them today. It was so cloudy earlier this morning.
Its been five years since Masnan first started plantingbasil, spinachand water spinach in his 100-square-meter plot of former wasteland. He has transformed the plot in a residential area ofCipinang, East Jakartafrom a garbage dump into a small vegetable farm that he uses to support his family.Residents, he said, wanted a flower garden, but they weren't going to pay him for that.
Masnan waters his crops with water from the sewer
2016 brilio.net/Retno Wulandari
I can make a living from planting vegetables, although the lot isnt mine. Ive been permitted to make use of this empty lot and I happen to have expertise in planting crops. In my younger years, I wasa farmer, he added.
The 68-year-old says caring for thecrops is far from easy. There are difficult techniques to nurture each plant and little space to do it in.Pests and an unfriendly weather are among the unpredictable problems with farming in Jakarta, Masnan relies on his years of experienceto handle those challenges.
Luckily, although Im old, Im kind of strong for my age and quite fit. So Im able to carry water [for the plants] back and forth from the sewer.
Masnan plants sweet basil, one of his best seller
2016 brilio.net/Retno Wulandari
Masnan used to planthis crops in a nearby lot, until it was developed and he had to move. Should the owner of the current lot plan on developing the land, he will againhave to move and found a new farm.