This news was conveyed directly by Vadel via an Instagram Story upload.

  24 Juni 2024 09:47 - Shocking news came from dancer Vadel Badjideh who announced that he had ended his relationship with Laura Meizani or Lolly. This young couple's love story is full of obstacles, especially since their relationship did not receive the blessing of Lolly's mother, Nikita Mirzani. Vadel conveyed the news of the end of their relationship via his personal Instagram account @vadelbadjideh.

He made Instagram stories with a plain black background. Apart from reporting that he had broken up with Lolly, Vadel also said that he would no longer be concerned about his relationship with Nikita Mirzani's child.

"I've broken up with Lolly and don't have anything to do with her anymore," wrote Vadel Badjideh while also mentioning Lolly's Instagram account, quoted by , Monday (24/6).

Vadel broke up with Lolly according to various sources

photo: Instagram/@vadelbadjideh

Apart from himself, Vadel also asked that his family not be involved any more with Lolly's life. He said that whatever happened to his ex-girlfriend, it was beyond Vadel's responsibility. With this announcement, he also thanked the public.

"My family is also no longer related. Thank you all," he continued.

Vadel broke up with Lolly according to various sources

photo: Instagram/@lauradumpie

This announcement shocked the public, how could it not be, just a month ago Lolly showed off a ring called the promise ring. The ring was a gift from Vadel Badjideh when Lolly celebrated her 17th birthday. Also via Instagram stories, recently Lolly was still showing off the ring she gave.

"I love you. You kept your promise to buy me a promise ring on my birthday. Thank you very much for everything you have given and done for me," said Lolly while showing off the ring.

Vadel broke up with Lolly according to various sources

photo: Instagram/@laurameizanimawardi

The relationship between the two has gone through various twists and turns. Nikita Mirzani as Lolly's mother strongly opposes this relationship. For him, Vadel was not a good prospective son-in-law to marry his child.

"What about dancing? Oh, don't do it. If it's just for fun, it's okay, if it's serious, don't do it, all mothers and fathers definitely want to have a good daughter-in-law, obviously the weight of the baby is a lie if the parents don't want it. have a good one," said Nikita.

Due to this relationship, Nikita was very angry with her son Lolly. Until now, the artist who was born in 1986 admits that he does not want to open the door to forgiveness for his daughter. Nikita firmly invited Vadel Badjideh to take Lolly from her.

"To Kang Semir's family, tsk. Good, enjoy what you have done. I am becoming more and more sincere, more and more pleased, lillahi ta'ala. Sok, take it!" said Nikita Mirzani in April 2024.

"You guys will never get anything from me!" added Nikita.
