foto: Instagram/@_sampoerna ; Instagram/@ennolerian_

When you are young, earning money is very easy, but when you grow up, life becomes difficult with various events in each person's life.

  14 September 2024 16:02 - Childhood as a child artist may seem full of glitz. Many people think that they will live in luxury and popularity throughout their lives. However, the reality is often different. Not a few former child artists actually face life challenges as adults, far from the spotlight of the cameras that used to always accompany their steps.

Some of them chose different paths in life, while others were forced to struggle with financial or personal problems. The popularity they once enjoyed slowly faded, leaving them to start over.

This proves that life is not always on top. No matter how big the fame is, it can still go through hard times . The stories of the following five former child artists are real examples of how life can change drastically over time.

Curious about the story? Here is a review by as compiled from various sources, Saturday (14/9).

1. Ibrahim Khalil Alkatiri.

the story of 5 former child artists going through hard times when they were older  2024

photo: Instagram/@baimalkatiri

Ibrahim Khalil Alkatiri, or better known as Baim Cilik, once achieved extraordinary popularity through a soap opera that popularized his iconic line, "Forgive Aim ya Allah." This success even made him one of the highest-paid child actors at that time. However, Baim's life is now very different.

Baim is now struggling from zero after his father spent the assets obtained from his hard work as a child artist. In fact, the house that was bought with his money was also sold by his father. No half measures, a total of Rp32.4 billion of his hard work as a child has disappeared.

2. Misca Fortuna.

the story of 5 former child artists going through hard times when they were older  2024

photo: Instagram/@misca_fortuna.mancung

Misca Fortuna's name is known to the public through her role as Misca Mancung in the soap opera Emak Ijah Pengen ke Mecca. She played a very iconic coquettish character in her childhood. Now, Misca has grown into a 15-year-old teenage girl with a calmer appearance.

Although she was once successful, her life was not always smooth. Misca was once kicked out of her own house and faced taunts from her friends which made her feel down. Apparently, it is known that the girl who is approaching her teens has now switched to selling perfume because she can't get filming calls.

Together with her mother and sister, Misca offers her merchandise around, including in the market. To meet daily needs, Mancung sells perfume for Rp15,000 to Rp20,000 per bottle.

3. Enno Lerian.

the story of 5 former child artists going through hard times when they were older  2024

photo: Instagram/@ennolerian_

Former child singer Enno Lerian, who became famous through the song Du Di Dam, shared her life story full of struggles after her fame faded. Enno revealed that she once lived in a rented room and used cardboard as a wardrobe.

Not only that, Enno also had to borrow money from her parents to buy gas. In fact, the hard life happened long before she got married. When she moved to Jakarta from Lampung in 1992, Enno and her family really struggled to survive in the harsh capital city.

4. Sony Wow.

the story of 5 former child artists going through hard times when they were older  2024

photo: Instagram/@sonywakwak2021

Sony Wakwaw is a child actor who is known through the soap opera Emak Ijah Pengen ke Mecca. Sony used to often steal the public's attention with his funny acting. However, his popularity began to fade after the soap opera ended.

Sony then had to struggle to find income outside the entertainment world. He once sold fried foods to pay for his sick father's treatment. Now, Sony has chosen to focus on being a content creator, a choice that gives him the opportunity to remain productive even though he is no longer in front of the camera.

5. Fadil Jaidi.

the story of 5 former child artists going through hard times when they were older  2024

photo: Instagram/@fadiljaidi

Fadil Jaidi, who is now known as a popular celebrity and YouTuber, apparently once lived as a child star. He was a commercial star and played in soap operas during his childhood. However, life was not always easy for Fadil and his family.

He once experienced hard times, where his income from soap operas was not enough to help his family's financial condition. However, Fadil did not give up. Thanks to his hard work, he has now achieved extraordinary success as a content creator, with an income much greater than before.
