This campus was founded in 1740 and is part of the Ivy League

  28 Juli 2024 15:00 - Recently Kaesang Pangarep shared happy news regarding Erina Gudono. Through an upload on Instagram on Saturday (28/7), Kaesang announced that his wife was returning to her master's degree. No joke, Erina Gudono managed to enter the best university in the United States.

Yep, President Jokowi's son-in-law managed to get a partial educational scholarship at the University of Pennsylvania. He was accepted into the Master of Science program at the Faculty of Social Policy and Practice (SP2).

For your information, this campus, which was founded in 1740, is part of the Ivy League, a prestigious group of universities in the United States. Not to forget, this university is also famous for its history and high academic standards, as well as a strong global reputation. Not inferior to Harvard, Stanford and MIT.

In addition, the University of Pennsylvania has an extensive and influential alumni network of world figures. For example, Donald Trump, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett.

As a husband, Kaesang also feels proud of his wife's achievements. In his post, Kaesang uploaded a photo of Erina wearing a black dress while holding a letter proving that she was accepted at a foreign campus.

" My dear beloved brother, Mas is very proud and happy that earlier this year he was accepted into the School of Social & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania, an ivy league campus where figures such as Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump have studied ," wrote Kaesang in his account. @kaesangp.

Kaesang announces Erina Gudono won scholarship  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@kaesangp

The General Chair of the Indonesian Solidarity Party also revealed that his wife not only graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. Several of his master's applications were accepted at other prestigious universities in America such as Columbia University.

However, his wife chose to continue her education at the University of Pennsylvania because the program was considered more flexible. Remembering that currently Erina is pregnant with her first child.

" Thank you for making your choice at UPenn because the program is more flexible for pregnant sisters, compared to the option previously accepted at Columbia University for the Master of Public Administration & Master of Social Work ," he continued.

Kaesang also encouraged his wife. He is sure that Erina can do everything well even though she is pregnant.

It is known that Erina will start studies in August 2024. He plans to focus on Non-Governmental Organization/Non-profit Leadership in his studies at the Faculty of Social Policy and Practice. This major requires students to carry out a one year project program with several organizations such as UN - UNESCO as a graduation requirement.

" I will always support you, give you encouragement, and stand beside you in every step of your studies starting this August. Congratulations on your extraordinary achievement. You love you and can't wait to see all the great things you will achieve in the future ," said Kaesang.

Kaesang announces Erina Gudono won scholarship  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@erinagudono

However, what attracted netizens' attention more was not only the news about the scholarship, but also the way Kaesang called his wife. It turns out that Kaesang has his own affectionate nickname for Erina, namely "Dek". This immediately attracted various comments from netizens.

" Brother or bro's wife ," commented

" It's more appropriate to use the title "my darling or wife" so it's more intimate, bro ," said @dnlwilluke

" It was a bit confusing until I looked at Ms. Erina's photo several times to make sure that Ms. Erina was right. And then I realized that her nickname was Adek Yayayaya ," @julfanih

" Oh, you're just being considered a little brother, sis, Er? " joked @belianv_
