foto: TikTok/@attahalilintar

Only two years old, Ameena had the courage to express her desire to get married. You're losing if you're single~

  25 Juni 2024 10:21 - There is some funny behavior in the first child of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, Ameena Hanna Nur Atta. This time Ameena made netizens laugh because of her spontaneous action of suddenly wanting to get married. It started when Ameena was shopping with Aurel Hermansyah at a shopping center in Jakarta.

In a video clip shared by a TikTok account @ilajazila689, the 2 year old little boy is trying out beautiful white shoes. Seeing her daughter looking coquettish in her shoes, Aurel asked Ameena where she was going to play.

"Want to try it, where are you going, son?" Aurel asked while accompanying Ameena to try on the shoes she wanted to buy.

Without hesitation, Ameena answered innocently that she wanted to go to Mama Gigi's house. In fact, he even revealed that he wanted to get married. This answer immediately shocked the staff and Aurel Hermansyah. The reason is, Ameena, who is still 2 years old, already knows about marriage.

ameena asks to marry cipung  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@attahalilintar

"Ameena wants to get married," said Ameena innocently.

"Astaghfirullahaladzim, who do you want to marry?" asked one of Aurel Hermansyah's staff.

After being asked, the answer from Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah's first child was no less surprising and invited laughter. Ameena innocently answered that she wanted to marry Rayyanza Malik Ahmad.

"Same as Cipung," he answered innocently.

ameena asks to marry cipung  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@attahalilintar

Ameena's innocent and funny behavior invited laughter. Aurel, who saw it, could only shake his head. The spontaneous video of Ameena wanting to get married reached Atta Halilintar. By uploading his personal TikTok account, Atta showed his reaction when watching the video clip of his eldest daughter.

Because Aurel didn't go shopping with Ameena, Atta could only watch the video he recorded while relaxing at home. Of course, Ameena's behavior was a surprise for Atta. Atta looked shocked to hear Ameena's innocent desire to marry Cipung.

"Hey, who taught you hey?" Atta asked.

ameena asks to marry cipung  2024 TikTok

photo: TikTok/@attahalilintar

Because he was quite shocked, Atta got up from his seat. Then leave the room to take a deep breath. He also jokingly asked Aamena not to meet her baby sitter.

"Don't meet Suro yet," said Aurel Hermansyah's husband.

As is known, Ameena and Rayyanza have been friends since they were babies. In fact, the two of them became a baby duo who were always compared as the sultan's children, Raffi-Nagita and Atta-Aurel. Their closeness caught on camera always makes netizens excited.

ameena asks to marry cipung  2024

photo: Instagram/@attahalilintar

Ameena's excitement and Atta's hilarious reaction became the focus of attention on various social media timelines. In fact, Atta Halilintar's upload while watching his child's video on TikTok has been watched 19 million times even though it was only uploaded less than 24 hours. Apart from making her laugh, many netizens saw that Ameena's cuteness was inherited from her father.

" Don't be surprised, Mr. Haji Ameena said that her mother wanted to marry young, " said @juwariah15_.

" Ameena's father has just returned from Hajj and wants to get married. Aya aya waeeee ameenaa, " wrote @ferajun.

" The problem is that you have an agreement that you are not allowed to date so you immediately get married, " said @erma.chieput.

" Amena, don't be like that, those who are watching are those who aren't married yet, so they want to step in ," said @langitdisenja8.

" I'm laughing alone in my room...Oh my God,'s really funny, " said @wullanariskareal.
