foto: Instagram/@elelrumi

Tissa Biani was once asked by Maia Estianty to introduce El Rumi to Syifa Hadju.

  4 September 2024 19:46 - The romantic relationship between El Rumi and Syifa Hadju has recently been in the public spotlight. The closeness of the two has managed to steal the attention of many netizens who are made emotional seeing this new couple. Many suspect that this relationship happened thanks to the intervention of Tissa Biani, Dul Jaelani's lover.

The news circulated because many thought that Tissa Biani was the matchmaker between El Rumi and Syifa Hadju. This suspicion grew stronger after Maia Estianty, El Rumi's mother, admitted that she had asked Tissa to match El with Syifa. Maia felt that El had been single for quite some time, unlike his two brothers, Al and Dul, who already had partners.

However, in a podcast with Atta Halilintar, Tissa Biani finally gave her clarification. She emphasized that she had never been a matchmaker for El Rumi and Syifa Hadju. Tissa's statement is certainly an answer to the speculations circulating among netizens so far.

tissa biani doesn't match el and syifa  2024 Instagram

photo: YouTube/Need A Talk

Tissa Biani firmly denied the rumors that she was the one who matched El Rumi with Syifa Hadju . She revealed that although Maia Estianty had asked her to be a matchmaker, it never happened. Tissa explained that she rarely met Syifa, so it was difficult for her to help match them.

"Syifa and I rarely meet, so I've only been in the same project with Syifa once, in the same film," said Tissa Biani, quoted by from Atta Halilintar's YouTube podcast, Need A Talk, on Wednesday (4/9).

The closeness between El Rumi and Syifa Hadju turned out to be purely from El's own efforts, not because of Tissa's help. Tissa felt that El Rumi was independent enough to be able to approach Syifa without anyone's help, including hers.

tissa biani doesn't match el and syifa  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@elelrumi

"So I'm confused about how to match, bro (Atta Halilintar), especially since Brother El seems to be more independent now, so he's the one who's the one to match. I really don't match at all," stressed Tissa.

As Dul Jaelani's lover, Tissa Biani feels closer to Alisa Daguise, Al Ghazali's lover, compared to Syifa Hadju. She admitted to meeting Alisa more often on various occasions. This further strengthens her reasons why she was never involved in the relationship between El and Syifa.

"I often meet with Sis Alisa because she was once Sis Al's girlfriend and now she's back together again," explained Tissa Biani.

tissa biani doesn't match el and syifa  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@elelrumi

However, Tissa admitted that she was asked by Maia Estianty to introduce El Rumi to Syifa Hadju. However, due to their respective busy schedules, the plan never materialized. Tissa emphasized that El and Syifa's closeness happened naturally without anyone's interference.

"Yes, actually, my mother asked, maybe it seems because she knows that we both have the same background as film actors. Maybe Tissa knows her, but basically I rarely meet Syifa because we're on the same project and it keeps running out, so because we're both busy, we rarely meet," continued Tissa Biani.

Tissa Biani reiterated that she was never involved in matching El Rumi with Syifa Hadju. Their relationship was the result of El's own efforts, which managed to melt Syifa's heart without anyone's help.

"Yeah, that's why I'm like Dul, I think it's better if Sis El is alone," he added.
