foto: Instagram/@alyssadaguise; @yaswildblood

Find Indonesian artists who are often mistaken for non-Muslims when they wear the hijab.

  23 Januari 2025 23:30

In the entertainment world, the lives of artists always attract public attention, including regarding their religion. Several Indonesian artists are often considered non-Muslim by netizens, especially because of their different names and appearances.

Usually, artists who are often thought to be non-Muslim are those who have mixed blood. However, the reality is revealed when they wear the hijab on various occasions or when performing the Umrah pilgrimage. Their appearance when wearing the hijab actually gets a lot of praise from fans.

One of the artists who is often thought to be non-Muslim is Alyssa Daguise . She was once in a relationship with Al Ghazali, and recently performed the Umrah with her mother. This indirectly dismisses the assumption that she is dating someone of a different religion.

The following is a list of artists who are often thought to be non-Muslim when wearing the hijab, Thursday (23/1).

1. Love Laura

Portraits of 6 celebrities who are often thought to be non-Muslim when wearing the hijab, Alyssa Daguise is amazing

photo: Instagram/@claurakiehl

2. Kimberly Ryder

Portraits of 6 celebrities who are often thought to be non-Muslim when wearing the hijab, Alyssa Daguise is amazing

photo: Instagram/@kimbrlyryder

3. Yasmine Wildblood

Portraits of 6 celebrities who are often thought to be non-Muslim when wearing the hijab, Alyssa Daguise is amazing

photo: Instagram/@yaswildblood

4. Shenina Cinnamon

Portraits of 6 celebrities who are often thought to be non-Muslim when wearing the hijab, Alyssa Daguise is amazing

photo: Instagram/@sheninacinnamon

5. Megan Domani

Portraits of 6 celebrities who are often thought to be non-Muslim when wearing the hijab, Alyssa Daguise is amazing

photo: Instagram/@sheninacinnamon

6. Alyssa Daguise

Portraits of 6 celebrities who are often thought to be non-Muslim when wearing the hijab, Alyssa Daguise is amazing

photo: Instagram/@alyssadaguise
