Rizky Billar also showed how much he earns from acting in soap operas.

  26 Agustus 2024 16:20

Brilio.net - Rizky Billar seems to have excess energy in dealing with haters on social media X. The accusations of Rizky Billar as a husband who has no capital are indeed endless. Even though the father of one has repeatedly denied it.

It is undeniable that Rizky Billar was mentally affected by the label. Even though according to his confession, there were many things he did to change Lesty's life.

Abang L's father also explained what he had done for his wife. Including making Lesty earn more.

"One small example is, I protected Lesti from contracts that were not profitable for her. I built management, a marketing division, the result of which, Lesti was able to earn 10 times more than what she had previously earned," said Rizky Billar in a podcast with Alvin Adam.

Rizky Billar spills his income  various sources

photo: Instagram/@rizkybillar

Recently, Billar was again cornered by netizens with similar accusations. Not remaining silent, the 29-year-old actor immediately silenced the haters by showing evidence.

In his tweet on the X account @RizkyBillar, Billar revealed his own income as a soap opera actor. He then uploaded a table containing his income along with net or gross information. As is known, net and gross are terms used to describe the value of a number before and after deduction.

In the table, Rizky Billar's gross income in one shooting for one soap opera title reached around Rp 77 million. While he underwent two soap opera titles and if totaled the figure reached Rp 14 billion.

"My salary for 1 episode/day gross is 77 million... I can still support your father and your family for at least the next 3 years," replied Billar, quoted by brilio.net , Monday (26/8).

Rizky Billar spills his income  various sources

photo: X/@RizkyBillar

Previously, Billar also responded to a netizen who lectured him about living expenses. According to the netizen, a wife asks for living expenses not to burden her husband, but to help him get to heaven.

"Actually, the wife asked for support not because she wanted to burden her husband, because the wife also wanted to help her husband get to heaven," wrote the netizen.

"If the wife doesn't ask for a living, it will be even more frightening and the husband will be negligent in his responsibilities, then the husband will be punished in the afterlife. The wife will also ask, look at the husband's abilities too. So the husband is sincere," continued the netizen.

Allegedly feeling displeased with being lectured, Billar gave a surprising reaction. He said the netizen had been taken in by the gossip accounts' narratives.

Rizky Billar spills his income  various sources

photo: X/@RizkyBillar

Not only that, he also uploaded proof of a transfer of Rp 100 million to his wife. The proof of transfer shows that the money sent to Lesty was dated February 28, 2024.
