
Before starting the diet program, Talitha revealed that her weight had reached 115 kilograms.

  28 Desember 2024 14:00 - Talitha Curtis , an artist who used to be active in FTV, had disappeared from the entertainment world. Now she has stolen the public's attention again with the story of her life journey that has changed drastically. Not only her life, Talitha Curtis' weight has also increased after she took a break from the entertainment world.

There are several reasons why Talitha retired from the entertainment world . One of them is that she decided to focus on her mental health. Starting from mental health, Talitha often took medication which turned out to increase her weight.

Now, Talitha wants to diet and has a desire to return to work in the entertainment world. Well, before starting the diet program, Talitha revealed that her weight had reached 115 kilograms. However, with strong determination, she managed to lose weight to 92 kilograms in four months.

Talitha Curtis latest looks  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@talithacurtis_

In a week, Talitha managed to lose 2.5 kilograms. However, she still has a target to lose 40 kilograms for her health and comfort.

Talitha Curtis latest looks  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@talithacurtis_

Although she has only lost 2.5 kg, significant changes in Talitha's body are already clearly visible. In the latest video upload on Instagram @talithacurtis_, which was reported by on Saturday (12/28), she now looks fresher and more confident. Her face is slimmer, her chin is also increasingly pointed as if there is no longer a double chin. Talitha Curtis' latest appearance was immediately flooded with netizen comments. Not a few internet users were surprised and praised her hard work in achieving this goal.

"Already tired," wrote the comment from the @krisjianabah account.

"You're starting to get slimmer again," wrote the comment from the account @ayuretnop.

"I'm already skinny," said the account @indahsvr_.

Talitha Curtis latest looks  2024 Instagram

photo: Instagram/@talithacurtis_

Of course, the success of losing weight does not just happen. Talitha admitted to following a strict diet, balancing between light exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. Talitha also applies the intermittent fasting diet method with a 20:4 pattern, which is 20 hours of fasting and 4 hours of eating window. She chose this method because she felt it was more suitable for her busy lifestyle.

With significant weight loss, Talitha feels more ready to return to the entertainment world. She hopes to continue her career and inspire many people who have similar goals.
