foto: Instagram/@jennifercoppenreal20

Jennifer just wants to ensure the safety and comfort of her baby.

  18 September 2024 11:10 - Jennifer Coppen expressed her annoyance after many people carelessly touched her only daughter, Kamari Sky Wassink . She vented her anger through a personal channel on Instagram, giving a warning to people who carelessly touched her daughter.

As a result, Jennifer decided to no longer allow fans to take photos with Kamari.

"From now on, sorry, I won't allow anyone to take photos with Kamari anymore," wrote Jennifer on Tuesday (17/9).

To explain her annoyance, Jennifer uploaded a clarification video via her personal TikTok account, @jennifer.coppen. In the video, she apologized if anyone was offended by her remarks.

Jennifer's concern for her daughter's safety and comfort was the main reason behind her statement. She felt the need to emphasize the boundaries that others should respect when interacting with Kamari.

the reason why Jennifer Coppen is annoyed that her child is being touched  2024

photo: Instagram/@jennifercoppenreal20

"I want to respond to yesterday's broadcast that was being discussed, I apologize if anyone was hurt by my words because someone touched my child and I was very angry," said Jennifer as quoted by on Wednesday (18/9).

Jennifer explained that she has tried to remind people about boundaries when interacting with her son. She felt it was important to reiterate this for Kamari's comfort and safety.

As a mother, Jennifer feels a responsibility to protect her daughter from unwanted touching. She wants people to respect her child's privacy and comfort, especially considering Kamari's young age.

"I have reminded everyone not to touch Kamari, not to touch children and random people. I don't like it, I feel uncomfortable if my children and I are toweled off," he explained.

the reason why Jennifer Coppen is annoyed that her child is being touched  2024

photo: TikTok/@jennifer.coppen

Jennifer wants to emphasize that she doesn't mean to completely ban fans from interacting with Kamari. She just wants people to understand the boundaries that need to be maintained for her daughter's comfort.

However, Jennifer still opens up the opportunity for fans to capture moments with Kamari in the right situation. She wants to create a safe and comfortable environment for her daughter when interacting with others.

"I don't forbid videos or photos of Kamari. I will forbid it if Kamari is tired, in a hurry, cranky or I'm tired, but if Kamari is relaxed, if Kamari is happy, I won't forbid it. In fact, I allow people to take photos with Kamari," he added.

the reason why Jennifer Coppen is annoyed that her child is being touched  2024

photo: Instagram/@jennifercoppenreal20

Jennifer expressed her feelings of still mourning the loss of her husband. She wants the public to understand her current emotional state and appreciate her decision to protect Kamari.

As a single mother, Jennifer feels that Kamari is all she has right now. She wants to make sure her daughter grows up in a safe and comfortable environment.

"Kamari is the only one I have, Kamari is the heart of my life, Kamari is the spirit of my life. Please, protect my child. I just ask you not to touch Kamari," she said while crying.

Jennifer understands that many people are excited to see Kamari. However, she wants to remind people that her daughter is still very young and easily startled .

She hopes that people can be more understanding of her situation and respect her privacy as a mother. Jennifer also apologized once again if anyone was offended by her remarks.

"Maybe my way of speaking was wrong, the point is I apologize to those who feel offended. Please once again, Kamari is just a baby, she is afraid to hear people screaming and calling Kamari's name," he concluded.
